
Membership Application

After submitting the application you will receive an email to confirm. With the link provided there, you can edit your profile and upload your photo.

IAB-interne Benutzer-Angaben

* Required Information

Please create your user name.
It cannot be changed aterwards.

Angaben zur Person

Photo (Only .jpg/.jpeg/.gif/.png; max. 1200 x 1200 Pixel)

Please list any special interest area you're interested in and you wish to be kept up to date about the work of:

(e.g. Neurologist / Physiotherapist / Member of Patient Support Group)

(e.g. Gait Disorders / Botulinum Toxin / Pediatric Patients /
Dysphagia Therapy / Deep Brain Stimulation / LSVT®)

Share a few information (e.g. biographical details, special services) to supplement your profile! The information could be publicly visible.

Multiple Choice with CTRL (or CTRL) Possible

Share a few information to supplement the profile of your business / organization / institution no. 1 (e.g. opening hours, direction, special services)

Share a few information to supplement the profile of your business/ organization / institution no. 2 (e.g. opening hours, direction, special services)

Share a few information to supplement the profile of your voluntary / private information / alternate business no. 3 (e.g. opening hours, direction, special services)

Your password of your IAB account will be sent via Email to you.
Please contact us if you would like to ask any questions.