IAB – Interdisciplinary Working Group for Movement Disorders offers a high-quality and advertising-independent platform for the cooperation of all participants, either patients, their relatives or health professionals and physicians and companies focussed on this field. In particular, the extraordinarily large selection of topics offered, whether it is about evidence based highly specialized or complementary methods, represents a unique selling point.
The neurologist and psychiatrist from Hamburg founded IAB in 2006.
The initial idea: meetings to exchange experiences and build better communication channels and networks of an extraordinarily large selection of various specialists such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nurses and physicians – now also virtual and international – This developed into a platform for further education, meeting and cooperation includig patients and their relatives with the aim of establishing a fair and strong therapeutic partnership worldwide.
In the meantime, we have created move neuro hub, a platform for direct access to online consultations with leading specialists in neurological movement disorders. And move neuro e.V. our additional non-profit association, is finally putting the IAB concept on the broad shoulders of all committed citizens.
For request to participate or further questions contact us.
For request to participate or further questions contact us.
For request to participate or further questions contact us.