Movement Disorders produce a wide range of symptoms and almost all are chronic, thus generating a huge burden of disease. The growing number of new therapeutic options represents a special interdisciplinary challenge.
In order to promote this interdisciplinary approach, IAB – Interdisciplinary Working Group for Movement Disorders 2006 was founded in Hamburg.
IAB offers patients and us therapists the unique opportunity to network and to deepen our knowledge without bias. This leads to a sustained improvement in therapy and quality of life of therapists and patients as well.
You are also welcome to support us financially!
In this way, you make it possible for the content on our website and the YouTube channel and many of our events to continue to be accessible to everyone free of charge and for us to be able to constantly expand our scientifically proven offers. Our cooperation is important! We are not non-profit in the sense of German legislation and therefore cannot issue a donation receipt.
Your donation reaches us either as a transfer to IAB – Interdisciplinary Working Group for Movement Disorders e.K., Deutsche Bank Hamburg, IBAN DE 57 2007 0024 0706 4942 01
or via PayPal:
For request to participate or further questions contact us.
For request to participate or further questions contact us.
For request to participate or further questions contact us.