
Field effect of two commercial preparations of botulinum toxin type A: A prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial: Hexsel D et al.

2011 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
Doris Hexsel, MD,   a,b
Cristiano Brum, MD,   a,e
De´bora Zechmeister do Prado, BPharm,   a
Mariana Soirefmann, MD, MSc,   a,b
Francisco Telechea Rotta, MD,    d
Taciana Dal’Forno, MD, PhD,   a,b
and Ticiana C. Rodrigues, MD, PhD   a,c


Author Details:

From the Brazilian Center for Studies in Dermatology,   a
PontificiaUniversidadeCatolicadoRioGrandedoSul,   b
EndocrineDivision,Hospital de Clınicas of Porto Alegre,   c
Moinhos de VentoHospital,   d
and Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa.   e
Supported by the Brazilian Center for Studies in Dermatology, anonprofit organization that received an educational grant fromIpsen (the manufacturer of Dysport).