In movement disorders new treatments and combined therapies are indicted frequently. Increasingly health professionals are part of this complex therapy. The approach of improving and promoting the quality of life and adopting the therapy to the individual needs of the patient, also requires the involvement of relatives. Through this training design, the ability to obtain the multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of movement disorders should become part of the own thinking and practice.
The certification of the training by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals allows an advanced use of your skills and more safety in your chosen field of activity.
For medical students and health professional in training is possible to take part in the education program to IAB Specialist in Movement Disorders (SMD-IAB), but the title SMD-IAB is linked with a already completed therapeutic training.
The curriculum of the basic training is composed as follows:
a selection of basic and structural and special courses of the issues:
Spastic Syndrome
Parkinson’s Disease
and additionally
basic courses about further movement disorders
special courses concerning several aspects of movement disorders
quality management courses
final exam featuring a theoretical and a practical part as well
final paper (thesis) to your specialized subject according to IAB concept
For the Superior Training also needed:
attendance of additional courses out of the course selection
documentation and presentation of own interdisciplinary treatment protocols
And the Instructor Training requires additionally:
Chairing and documentation of a certain amount of interdisciplinary groups for the treatment of movement disorders
For request to participate or further questions contact us.
For request to participate or further questions contact us.