


6th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Nuembrecht

Dr. Becker Rhein-Sieg-Klinik, Nuembrecht
Cerebral Palsy: Dr. B.-C. Vehse, MD, Siegen

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


12th Video Club Movement Disorders Hannover

Medizinische Hochschule, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover, Gebäude K11 (Frauenklinik), Raum 3240/42
Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Craniocervical Dystonia: Interesting Cases: Professor R. Laskawi, MD, PhD, Goettingen

Further Information

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


12th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hannover

Hannover Medical School, Hannover
Therapy Options of Relapsing and Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Dr. R. Pul, Hannover

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


29th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg, Haupthaus
Treatment of Movement Disorders Using Orthotic Devices: U. Thiel, Potsdam

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


11th Video Club for Movement Disorders Hannover

Hannover Medical School, Hannover
Tremor: Dr. C. Schrader, MD, PhD, Hannover

Further Information

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


5th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Nuembrecht

Dr. Becker Rhein-Sieg-Klinik, Nuembrecht
Systematic Use of Orthotics in Painful Shoulder: U. Thiel, Potsdam

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


28th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Directives and Regulation of Remedies 2013: Innovations, Processes, Definitions: D. Endres, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


11th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hannover

Hannover Medical School, Hannover
Redression Therapy of Lower Limb in Adults and Children: W. von Kloth, Hannover

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


10th Video Club for Movement Disorders Hannover

Hannover Medical School, Hannover
ParkinsonNet: The Development of a Nationwide Parkinson Network in the Netherlands: Marten Munneke, Neathererland

Further Information

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


1st Satellite Group Meeting IAB Child North

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg
Founding Meeting with Infantile foot: Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz Grill, MD, Vienna & Results of Monitoring a Large Group Preterm Infants with Birth Weight Below 1500 g to Their Adulthood: Dr. N. Veelken, MD, Hamburg

Further Information

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


4th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Nuembrecht

Dr. Becker Rhein-Sieg-Klinik, Nuembrecht
Interconnection Disorder and Dysregulation in Spasticity: Sylvie von Werder, MSc, Aachen

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


27th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Parkinson's Disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Si Fu, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.