
Merry Christmas and an Creative and Positive 2021!

Dear all,

in 2020, Corona required a lot of strength, but also creativity.

In order to overcome the lockdown we at IAB have been very busy and creative:

  • the website was relaunched looking more modern and better structured
  • almost all of our face-to-face events have been switched to virtual meetings this made them available to a broader audience of participants
  • our product range expanded including new print and online products – Parkinson’s patients will benefit in particular  –
  • our publications on the consequences of Corona for chronically ill as well were increased
  • The dates for the meetings of regional groups (face to face or virtual) for 2021 have now been set

Please continue to help us inspiring the world with the idea of ​​interdisciplinarity:

  • Be part of our events as speakers and promote them!
  • Achieve more visibility for IAB by presenting your publications, activities and events on our website!
  • Share our publications, products and ideas with your colleagues and others!
  • Come back to us with constructive ideas and projects!

Neither Corona nor the winter days gloom can stop us if we get together. Thanks for that!

Best regards,
Your Fereshte Adib