
Life Time Award for Professor Dressler in China

Professor Dirk Dressler, Head of Movement Disorders Section, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany received a Life Time Award for his contributions to botulinumtoxin therapy. In his more than 30 years in research, patient care and education Dressler produced more than 600 scientific publications including several books and numerous book chapters. No other researcher has published more on botulinum toxin therapy than Dressler. Some years ago Dressler already received the prestigious Life Time Award of the Latin-American botulinum toxin society Symtox in Brazil.

The award ceremony took place during the first congress of the newly founded Neurotoxin Society of China in Beijing. The Neurotoxin Society of China originated from the Chinese Botulinum Toxin Academy having been before the central platform for all users and researchers of botulinum toxin therapy in China. The official accreditation of the Neurotoxin Society of China by the Chinese government now substantially boostered the development of a national scientific platform.

This year’s congress took place in the Peking Union Medical College, a place Dressler visited before during his first journey to China in 1992. ‘So much has changed since then in neurology, in China and in the world. Back then the dystonia concept, the role of movement disorders and botulinum toxin therapy were totally new topics in neurology. The opening of China and globalisation have changed the environment dramatically’, said Dressler. In his address Dressler said that he is very grateful that he had the opportunity to participate in some of these important developments. However, on a day like this, it is more important to look forward. He encouraged young doctors and researchers with the words: ‘Working hard. Carrying on. Being persistent. Developing self-confidence and never giving up. This way acknowledgment will follow.’