Professor Dirk Dressler, Head of the Movement Disorders Section of Hannover Medical School, re-connects with Tongji University in Shanghai after the Corona break. ‘Corona has caused a long and painful break in our collaboration’ says Dressler. Corona restrictions originated from both ends of the collaboration, but in China and especially in Shanghai, restrictions had been severe. Dressler, Co-director of Tongji’s Botulinum Toxin Research Center, attended the Chinese National Movement Disorders and Botulinum Toxin Therapy Congress in Shanghai. He was keynote lecturer and presented his novel computerised data base system for documentation, monitoring and evaluation of botulinum toxin therapy. ‘The interest in our system was very encouraging. We hope, we can bring this world-wide unique system to China’, said Dressler. He also visited the new Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center in Shanghai’s Songjiang district with more than 1200 beds and huge outpatient clinics. The center, which is currently expanding even more, is headed by Professor Lingjing Jin, Dressler’s long-term partner at Tongji University. Dressler also visited Jinqi New Hongqiao Healthy Choice Medical Center, a new collaboration project between Tongji University and Jinqi corporation. This project, supported by the Shanghai local government, is a lighthouse project to develop the private hospital infrastructure for VIP patients from China and from abroad. It will put Shanghai in the exclusive circle of privat hospitals serving the increasing number of international VIP patients. During his visit in Shanghai, Professor Dressler also met with representatives of Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products, the manufacturer of the leading Chinese botulinum toxin product Hengli to discuss further collaboration projects.
Following an invitation to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, in the Northwest of China, Dressler also visited Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital, a huge 4500 beds hospital, where Professor Xue Bai runs an internationally recognized movement disorders group. Dressler lectured on the history of botulinum toxin therapy, which he introduced in Europe, before seeing and discussing interesting patients from all over China.
‘Corona was a dramatic shock and interruption of all our international cooperation projects. Now, everything is slowly coming back. We are not quite, where we were before, but we are confident’, says Dressler.
Professor Dressler visits Professor Lingjing Jin, Director of Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center in Shanghai.
Professor Dressler visits Tongji University School of Medicine Hospital.
Professor Dressler delivers the keynote lecture at the Chinese National Movement Disorders and Botulinum Toxin Therapy Congress in Shanghai.
Professor Dressler visits Professor Xue Bai at Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital in Tai Yuan, Shanxi Province.
Professor Dressler meets with members of the Taiyuan business community.
Professor Dressler visits Director Heng Wu and General Manager Zhenzhou Guo at Jinqi New Hongqiao Healthy Choice Medical Center in Shanghai.