
Professor Dressler Introduces New Botulinumtoxin in India

India, too, is now producing its own botulinumtoxin drug. It was recently introduced in the presence of Professor Dr Dr Dirk Dressler in Mumbai. ‘We are glad that now also India belongs to the exclusive club of countries producing botulinum toxin drugs’, said Dressler. The product development and the installation of the manufacturing process was supervised by Dr Balram Singh, an eminent botulinumtoxin researcher who had been working with botulinum toxins in the United States for decades. ‘With Dr Singh the project is backed up by one of the worldwide most experienced botulinum toxin researchers with whom we had been working for years,’ Dressler explained. A special feature of this drug is its extremely broad indication spectrum. Dressler explained: ‘This will change botulinum toxin therapy in India forever. This is a milestone in our goal to bring botulinum toxin therapy to all patients in need, regardless where they live.’

The new Indian botulinumtoxin drug, marketed under the trade name of Zarbot®, is manufactured by Gufic Biosciences Ltd. of Mumbai. Gufic is a family-owned pharmaceutical company, which was founded two generations ago in Gujarat in North West India and is now specialised in producing lyophilized drugs.