
LiN-Arge e.V.

*LiN – Lagerung in Neutralstellung (engl.: positioning in neutral) encompasses functional positioning based on neuro-physiological principles. The concept is flexible. Especially severely disabled patients can be positioned according to their needs.
The term ‘Neutralstellung’ within LiN is derived from the basic principle of this concept. During positioning in LiN, body parts are moved as far as possible to a position between flexing and extension, stretching out and in, inward and outward rotation, this is the neutral position. (Debrunner 1971, Mink 1996, Klein-Vogelbach 2000). Applying special techniques (“Modellieren”, “Stopfen”), the body parts are kept in this position using duvets and pillows. All known positions (e. g. supine or lateral position) can be modified in terms of LiN. Principles like indication, frequency and choice of positioning are integrated.

(*Citiation from https://www.lin-arge.de/en/definition)