

18th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, D-13088 Berlin
Spasticity - Pathophysiology and Interdisciplinary Therapy: Cordula Werner, Berlin

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


17th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Hand Rehabilitation for Chronic Paresis: Ullrich Thiel, Potsdam

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


16th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Training Keep Moving: Mirko Lorenz, Berlin

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


15th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

KSB (Kompetenzzentrum für Spastik & Bewegungsstörungen), Götzstraße 18, D-12099 Berlin
Principles of Rehabilitation of Movement Disorders, Cordula Werner, MD, Berlin

Further Information

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


14th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Neurogenic Dysphagia: K. Noetzel, MD, PhD, Berlin

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


13th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Supervision as Prevention Tool for Helping Professions to Protect Workability and Health: Susanne Stadelmann, Berlin

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


12th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Functionality despite Spasticity and contracture - Surgical Treatment Options in an Interdisciplinary Context: Richarda Boettcher, MD, PhD, Berlin

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


11th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy / ITB for Generalized Spastic Conditions: Fereshte Adib Saberi, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


10th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Spasticity: Interdisciplinary Botulinum Toxin Therapy: F. Adib Saberi, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


9th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus Berlin Weißensee, Gartenstr. 1, 13088 Berlin
Botulinum Toxin for Therapy of Movement Disorders: Fereshte Adib Saberi, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


8th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Hempel Rehabilitation & Bewegung GmbH, Berlin
Task Sharing of Different Professionals in Outpatient Care of Patients with Movement Disorders: S. Buchelt, Berlin & F. Adib Saberi, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


7th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Berlin

Hempel Rehabilitation & Bewegung GmbH, Berlin
Parkinson's Disease & Physiotherapy from the Perspective of Neurologists in Practice: Dr. Dr. rer. nat. W. Kohlhepp, MD, PhD, Berlin

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.