

28th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Directives and Regulation of Remedies 2013: Innovations, Processes, Definitions: D. Endres, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


27th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Parkinson's Disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Si Fu, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


26st Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Tangstedter Landstr. 400, 22417 Hamburg, Haus 1, 2. OG, Raum 201
Case Report - an Extremely Complex Patient: Therapiezentrum Miegel, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


25th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Activation of Children with Pain: D. Endres, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


24th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Case Report of a Child with ICP: J. Dittmer, Hamburg & Maintenance of Effective Therapy Options Even in Off-Label Use according to Law: S. Ruppert, T. Baeumer, MD , PhD and F. Adib, MD, PhD. Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


23rd Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
LiN® Positioning in the Neutral Position: H. Pickenbrock, MSc, Hannover

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


22nd Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Habitual Tiptoe Walking: D. Pomarino, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


21st Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
LSVT BIG® in Multimodal Parkinson Complex Treatment: K. Schroeder, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


20th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg, Hamburg
Case Report about a Patient with severe ALS : D. Endres, S. Ruppert, Hamburg & Processing "Communication Form": Dr. A. Ziegs, Hamburg & Presentation and testing of Communication Calendar for Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Spasticity: H. Pickenbrock MSc, Hannover

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


19th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Tangstedter Landstr. 400, 22417 Hamburg, Haus 1, 2. OG, Raum 201
Stochastic Resonance Therapy: Professor U. Wuellner, Bonn & Case Report: Patient with Hemiparesis and Neglect after Stroke: H. Pickenbrock MSc, Hannover

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


18th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg
Forced-Use Therapy in Children and Adolescents and "Ultraflex Splint" and "Saebo Splint": Dr. med. A. Nolte, MD, Geesthacht

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


17th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg
Forced Use Therapy: K. Heise, Hamburg & Presentation of IAB Website and Subscriber Database: T. Mayer, M. MirReza, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.