

4th Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Tangstedter Landstr. 400, 22417 Hamburg, Haus 1, 2. OG, Raum 201
Referral Sheet for Communication, Application of Scales

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


3rd Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg
Planning a Communication Form for Transfer of Information Among Therapists & Application of Scales for Movement Disorders: F. Adib, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


2nd Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg
Evidence Based Medicine, Scales, ICF: C. Hoevermann, Hamburg & Therapy of Movement Disorders with Botulinum Toxin: Dr. F. Adib Saberi, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.


1st Satellite Group Meeting IAB Hamburg

Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg, Hamburg
Founding Meeting IAB & Treatment of Movement Disorders - an Interdisciplinary Challenge: F. Adib Saberi, MD, PhD, Hamburg

All of our meetings are certificated by CME authorities for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.