
Prof. Cesare Montecucco

Professor Emeritus of General Pathology & Professore Emeritus of Neurosciences


35121 Padova




University of Padova
Department of Biomedical Sciences National Research Council Institute of Neuroscience
Emeritus Neurosciences, CNR Neuroscience Institute & Emeritus of General Pathology, University of Padova
Via Ugo Bassi 58/B
35121 Padova
Telefon: +39 049 8276058
Fax: +39 049 8276049
E-Mail: cesare.montecucco@gmail.com

Biografische Angaben

1971: University of Padova, graduated in chemistry cum Laude
1975: University of Padova, graduated in biology cum Laude
1975-78: long-term EMBO fellowship at the University of Cambridge, UK (Post-doctoral advisors: James C. Metcalfe and Roger Tsien).

Performed research stages or sabbaticals at:
- Institut Pasteur, Paris (1984 with J.P. Changeux)
- University of Utrecht (1990 with Ben de Kruijff)
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg (1997 with M. Zerial)
- Institut Pasteur, Paris (2002 with M. Mock)
- Universidad de Costa Rica (2008 with JM Gutierrez & B. Lomonte).

1978-1983: Assistant, then Associate Professor of General Pathology, University of Padova
1983-1986: Associate Professor of General Pathology, University of Padova
1986-2018: Full Professor of General Pathology, University of Padova
2019-present Professor Emeritus of General Pathology at the Universiyt od Padova and Professore Emeritus of Neurosciences at the National Research Council Institute for Neuroscience
1999-2004: member of the EMBO Council
2002-2004: coordinator of the Member & Fellowship Committee and of the Publication Committee of EMBO
2001-2007: member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the CNRS Centre d’Immunologie de Luminy, Marseille, France
2002-2007: member of the Scientific Council of the Institut Pasteur of Paris.
2004-2011: member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Zentrum fur Infektionbiologie, University of Wurzburg, Germany.
2004-2010: Deputy Director of the Scuola Galileiana of Padova
2011-present: member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute for Biomedical Research of Bellinzona (Switzerland).
2013-present: member of the AERES France evaluation committees at Pasteur, CEA-Saclay etc.
2014-present: member of the Scientific Council of the Ehrlich and Darmstaedter Prize for Medicine of the Paul Ehrlich Foundation
2013-2016 and 2018-present: member of the ISAC of the Armenise-Harvard Medical School Foundation
2017: member of the Evaluation Committee of the Laboratory for Biomolecular Research at the Paul Scherrer Institut
2018: member of the Search Committee for the Director of the Institute for Biomedical Research of Bellinzona (Switzerland).

Services for the University of Padova or the MIUR
1992-2011: Coordinator of the Ph.D. Course in “Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathology” of the University of Padova.
1994-2002: Director of the National Research Council Center for Biomembranes in Padova
1997-1998: Member of the “Commissione Nazionale del Concorso a Professore Associato in Patologia Generale (MED04)
1997-2001: member of the “Nucleo di Valutazione dell’Università di Padova”
2001-2018: Coordinator of the “Commissione di Progettazione della Laura Magistrale in Biologia Sanitaria” and then Coordinatore of this Laurea and member of the “Commissione Didattica della Laurea in Biologia Sanitaria”.
2002-2007: member of the “Commissione Risorse della Facoltà di Scienze MFN dell’Università di Padova
2004-2014: valutatore VQR per il Ministero MIUR.
2014-2017: member of the “Osservatorio della Ricerca dell’Università di Padova”
2014-2018: coordinator of the “Commissione Scientifica del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche dell’Università di Padova”

Performed research stages or sabbaticals at:
- Institut Pasteur, Paris (1984 with J.P. Changeux)
- University of Utrecht (1990 with Ben de Kruijff)
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg (1997 with M. Zerial)
- Institut Pasteur, Paris (2002 with M. Mock)
- Universidad de Costa Rica (2008 with JM Gutierrez & B. Lomonte).
Scientific Prizes & Academic Honors:
1993: Award of the Shipley Institute of Medicine of the Harvard Medical School for achievements in Microbial Pathogenesis.
1994: elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization
1998: Award of the Italian Consortium for Biotechnologies for achievements in the study of
bacterial toxins and vaccines.
1999: elected member of the Academia Europeae.
1999: elected member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
2000: Award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Hygiene und Mikrobiologie.
2003: Masi Foundation Prize for special contributions to science.
2004: Feltrinelli Prize for Pathology, Immunology and Microbiology of the Accademia dei Lincei.
2004: elected member of the Leopoldina German Academy of Science
2006: elected member of the “Accademia dei Lincei” of Italy.
2008: elected member of the American Academy of Microbiology.
2008: Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary International
2009: Redi Prize of the International Society on Toxinology
2009: Hatheway medal for research on botulism of the USA Botulism InterAgencies (FDA, CDC, NIH, US Army, US Department of Agricolture and US Geological Survey)
2009: elected member of the European Academy of Microbiology
2011: Ehrlich and Darmstaedter Prize for Medicine of the Paul Ehrlich Foundation.
2015-present: elected Secretary of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
2015-2018: elected Secretary of the International Neurotoxins Association
2018: Career Prize of the Rete Italiana della Tossina Botulinica, Roma.
2018: Career Award of the Italian Society for Toxicology
2019: Lifetime Achievement Prize of the International Neurotoxins Association

Special Lectures, 2006-2019
- june 1st, 2006, Keynote Lecture at the Italian Society for Proteins, Pavia, Italy
- june 24, 2006, International Lecture on the “Biology and Pharmacology of Botulinum Neurotoxin” , Merz Foundation, Rostock (Germany)
- jan 26, 2007 Keynote Lecture at the Medical Academy of Turin, Italy
- feb 28, 2007, Special Seminar on the Mechanism of action of snake presynaptic PLA2 neurotoxins, Istituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- may 4, 2007, Special Seminar on Presynaptic Protein Neurotoxins at the International Center for Genetics and Biotechnology of the United Nations, Trieste
- july 13, 2008, Keynote Lecture at the Gordon Conference on “Microbial Toxins Pathogenicity”, Proctor Academy, Andover, N.H.
- jan 20, 2009 Keynote Lecture at the XV Congress of the Italian Society for Toxicology, Verona, Italy
- march 16, 2009 Redi Lecture at the World Congress of the International Society of Toxinology, Recife, Brazil
- oct 21, 2009 C. Hatheway Lecture and Medal at the 46th Congress of the Interagency Botulism Research Committees (IBRCC), Alexandria (VA)
- nov 18, 2010, Keynote Lecture at the Congress of the Brasilian Society for the Advancement on Biochemical and Immunological Research, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- june 18, 2011, EMBO Lecturer at the XV European Congress on Bacterial Toxins, Oslo, Norway
- july, 2011, special Paul-Ehrlich year lecture at the Paul-Ehrlich Institute, Frankfurt
- jan 10, 2013, Special Lecture at the Rome Medical Academy, Rome, Italy
- Keynote Lecture at the "Venoms" Congress, Oxford sept 24-26, 2013
- Plenary Lecture at the Congress of the International Neurotoxins Associations held in Lisbon, january 2015.
- Plenary Lecture at the 2015 Congress of the Italian Society for Toxicology, Milan.
- Plenary Lecture at the annual congress of the British Group for the Study of Botulinum Neurotoxins held in Oxford, 18-19 sept, 2016.
- Speaker at the G20 meeting in Halle, Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences, Jan 24 e 25, 2017.
- Speaker at the 4th Joint Conference of Leopoldina, Academie Fraçaise, Royal Society and Accademia dei Lincei to create West Balkan Research Foundation,the Rome may 30- jun1, 2018
- Special lecture at the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, may 21-24, 2019, Naples

- Opening Lecture of the 15th Congress of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists setp 30th – oct 2nd, Milan, Italy
- Opening Lecture of the 11th Congress of CNR Neuroscience Institute, oct 2nd – 4th, 2019, Pisa, Italy

- Lecture at the Oxford Venom Conference, Oxford, sept 16-17, 2020

Prof. C. Montecucco has published 256 experimental papers, 3 books and 83 Reviews/Commentaries/Hypothesis Articles, which received 34216 citations, H index: 94
( Google Scholar oct 2020).

Editorial Boards Member of the following Scientific journals:

"Cellular Microbiology": 1998-present
Toxicon: 2000-present
International Journal of Medical Microbiology: 2002-present
Molecular Aspects of Medicine: 1996-present
IUBMB Life 2007-present
BMC- Biology 2011-present
Toxins: 2016- present

European Science Foundation Expert 2018-2020

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