

*’The Latin American Botulinum Toxin Symposium (SymTox) came into being in 2005 during the ISPRM Worldwide Congress held in São Paulo, Brazil. The role of SymTox is to provide help and support for medical and health professionals who live and deal with therapeutic methodologies related to botulinum neurotoxin. Our raison d’être: to learn, to share and to update their knowledge and experience alongside professionals who work in this field and/or who are involved in scientific research.

Looking Ahead

In the not too distant future, SymTox will not merely be a scientific event – it will represent a whole set of activities related to botulinum toxin therapy. Groups of health professionals with a common interest in patients who benefit from this treatment can join together to share ideas and to update their caring skills in the most efficient way possible. In this way, the links between professionals and the community of patients that they care for, will be very close indeed.

SymTox is an event centred on botulinum toxin whose focus is primarily designed for the needs of Latin America. Curiously, we also benefit from the sharing of expertise from other continents. Some of the best known international names bring their publications and support, giving this symposium a character all of its own.

It takes place every 3 years or so, always in a Latin American country. The schedule is as follows: 20% Basic Science, 80% Clinic Science (therapy), in which individual experiences and group work are shared.

All of the programming content is basically divided into four interactive modules: Workshop, “Question & Answer” Symposium, Poster, and Case Presentation (with forum discussion).

All participants take an active part in the proceedings. These special features arouse the interest of a large number of people, since the possibilities for sharing, interacting and assimilating are always available during the event.

(*Textauszug von http://www.symtox.com)