
Dressler, Professor Dr. med. Dirk


Dirk Dressler

Universitätsprofessor Prof.hon. Dr.med.habil. Dr.h.c.



Conrad B, Dressler D, Benecke R (1984) Changes of somatosensory evoked potentials in man as correlates of transcortical reflex mediation? Neurosci Lett 46:97-102

Dressler D, Benecke R, Meyer B-U, Conrad B (1988) Die Rolle der Magnetstimulation in der Diagnostik des peripheren Nervensystems. Z EEG EMG 19:260-263

Dressler D, Schönle P, Conrad B (1988) Transkranielle Hirnstimulation – Methoden und Ergebnisse. Nervenarzt 59:504-513

Meyer BU, Benecke R, Dressler D, Haug B, Conrad B (1988) Fraktionierte Bestimmung zentraler motorischer Leitungszeiten mittels Reizung von Kortex, spinalen Bahnen und Spinalwurzeln: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Z EEG EMG 19:234-240

Day BL, Dressler D, Maertens de Noordthout A, Marsden CD, Nakashima K, Rothwell JC, Thompson PD (1989) Electric and magnetic stimulation of human motor cortex: Surface EMG and single motor unit responses. J Physiol 412:449-473

Dressler D, Benecke R, Conrad B (1989) Botulinum-Toxin in der Therapie kraniozervikaler Dystonien. Nervenarzt 60:386-394

Dressler D, Conrad B (1989) Geschmacksstörungen nach Tonsillektomie – seltene Komplikation einer häufigen Operation. Nervenarzt 60:572-575

Dressler D, Schönle PW (1989) Das Narkolepsie-Syndrom – Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat 57:440-449

Dressler D, Voth E, Feldmann M, Henze Th, Felgenhauer K (1989) The development of an epileptogenic focus – a case study with 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT. J Neurol 236:300-302

Feldmann M, Voth E, Henze Th, Dressler D, Emrich D (1989) Significance of HMPAO-SPECT in the early diagnosis and follow-up of acute cerebral ischemia – comparison to CCT. Psychiatry Research 29:457-458

Schoenle PW, Isenberg C, Crozier TA, Dressler D, Machetanz J, Conrad B (1989) Changes of transcranially evoked motor responses by midazolam, a short acting benzodiazepine. Neurosci Lett 101:321-324

Day D, Dressler D, Hess CW, Maertens de Noordhout A, Marsden CD, Mills K, Murray NMF, Nakashima K, Rothwell JC, Thompson PD (1990) Erratum: Direction of current in magnetic stimulating coils used for percutaneous activation of brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve. J Physiol 430:617

Dressler D, Schönle PW (1990) Bilateral limb dystonia due to chronic subdural hematoma. Europ Neurol 30:211-213

Dressler D, Schönle PW (1990) Botulinum toxin to suppress hyperkinesias after hypoglossofacial nerve anastomosis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 247:391-392

Dressler D, Schönle PW, Neubauer H (1990) Central motor conduction time to bulbocavernosus muscle – evaluation by magnetic brain stimulation and testing of bulbocavernosus reflex. J Neurol 237:239-241

Dressler D, Voth E, Feldmann M, Benecke R (1990) Safety aspect of transcranial brain stimulation tested with single photon emission computed tomography. Neurosci Lett 119:153-155

Feldmann M, Voth E, Dressler D, Henze T (1990) 99mTc-Hexamethylpropylene amine oxime SPECT and x-ray CT in acute cerebral ischemia. J Neurol 237:475-479

Haug BA, Dressler D, Prange HW (1990) Polyradiculoneuritis following botulinum toxin therapy. J Neurol 237:62-63

Dressler D, Schönle PW (1991) Hyperkinesias after hypoglossofacial nerve anastomosis – treatment with botulinum toxin. Eur Neurol 31:44-46

Rechlin T, Weis M, Dressler D (1991) Erste Erfahrungen mit einem computergestützten Kommunikations-System für Patienten mit Locked-in-Syndrom. Intensivmed 28:30-34

Thompson PD, Day BL, Rothwell JC, Dressler D, Maertens de Noordhout A, Marsden CD (1991) Further observations on the facilitation of muscle responses to cortical stimulation by voluntary contraction. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 81:397-402

Maertens de Noordhout A, Rothwell JC, Day BL, Dressler D, Nakashima K, Thompson PD, Marsden CD (1992) Effect of digital nerve stimuli on responses to electrical or magnetic stimulation of the human brain. J Physiol 447:535-548

Schauenburg H, Dressler D (1992) Gilles de la Tourette Syndrom: Entwicklungen in Forschung und Therapie. Nervenarzt 63:453-461

Barth K, Dressler D (1993) Die krankengymnastische Zusammenarbeit mit Schiefhalspatienten nach der Behandlung mit Botulinum Toxin. Krankengymnastik 45:134-142

Dressler D, Barth K (1993) Botulinum Toxin – ein neues Medikament zur lokalen Muskelentspannung. Krankengymnastik 45:129-134

Erbguth F, Claus D, Engelhardt A, Dressler D (1993) Systemic effect of local botulinum toxin injections unmasks subclinical Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 56:1235-1236

Priori A, Bertolasi L, Dressler D, Rothwell JC, Day BL, Thompson PD, Marsden CD (1993) Transcranial electric and magnetic stimulation of the leg area of the human motor cortex: single motor unit and surface EMG responses in the tibialis anterior muscle. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 89:131-137

Schauenburg H, Dressler D (1993) Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. Ger J Psych 17:71-78

Dressler D, Thompson PD, Gledhill RF, Marsden CD (1994) The syndrome of painful legs and moving toes. Mov Disord 9:13-21.

Thiel A, Dressler D (1994) Dyskinesias possibly induced by norpseudoephedrine. J Neurol 241:167-169.

Thiel A, Dressler D, Kistel C, Rüther E (1994) Clozapine treatment of spasmodic torticollis. Neurology 44:957-958.

Dressler D, Jackson D (1995) Vom Umgang mit dystonen Störungen. Psycho 21:620-626

Erbguth F, Deuschl G, Benecke R, Poewe W, Dressler D (1995) Botulinum Toxin Therapie. Ein neues Therapiekonzept. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 92:C1798-1803.

Thiel A, Dressler D, Reimer A, Rüther E (1995) Effects of clozapine on CSF fluid homovanillic acid in spasmodic torticollis. J Neural Transm Gen Sect 97:245-251.

Zwirner P, Dressler D (1995) Dystonie als Ursache pharyngo-laryngealer Motilitätsstörungen. HNO 43:498-501.

Dressler D, Argyrakis A, Schönle PW, Wochnik G, Rüther E (1996) Botulinum Toxin Therapie in der Rehabilitationsneurologie. Nervenarzt 67:686-694.

Dressler D, Oeljeschläger RO, Rüther E (1997) Severe tardive dystonia: Treatment with continuous intrathecal baclofen administration. Mov Disord 12:585-587.

Zwirner P Dressler D, Kruse E (1997) Spasmodic laryngeal dyspnea: a rare manisfestation of laryngeal dystonia. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 254:242-245.

Jahanshahi M, Ridding MC, Limousin P, Profice P, Fogel W, Dressler D, Fuller R, Brown RG, Brown P, Rothwell JC (1997) Rapid rate transcranial magnetic stimulation – a safety study. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 105:422-429.

Dressler D (1997) Botulinum toxin therapy failure: causes, evaluation procedures and management strategies. Eur J Neurol 4 (suppl 2):S67-S70.

Dressler D, Rothwell JC, Marsden CD (1998) Comparing biological potencies of Botox® and Dysport® with a mouse diaphragm model may mislead. J Neurol 245:332.

Broocks A, Thiel A, Angerstein D, Dressler D (1998) Higher prevalence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients with blepharospasm than in patients with hemifacial spasm. Am J Psychiat 155:555-557.

Dressler D, Scaravilli T, Bhatia K, Marsden CD (1998) Nicotine nasal spray is not reliable treatment for blepharospasm: results of a pilot study. Mov Disord 13:190.

Muenchau A, Dressler D, Bhatia KP, Vogel P, Zuehlke C (1999) Machado-Joseph disease presenting as severe generalised dystonia in a German patient. J Neurol 246:840-842.

Dressler D, Rothwell JC (2000) Electromyographic quantification of the paralysing effect of botulinum toxin. Eur Neurol 43:13-16.

Dressler D, Rothwell JC Bigalke H (2000) The sternocleidomastoid test: an in-vivo assay to investigate botulinum toxin antibody formation in man. J Neurol 247:630-632.

Dressler D, Dirnberger G, Bhatia K, Quinn NP, Irmer A, Bigalke H, Marsden CD (2000) Botulinum toxin antibody testing: comparison between the mouse diaphragm bioassay and the mouse lethality bioassay. Mov Disord 15:973-976.

Dressler D, Zettl U, Bigalke H, Benecke R (2000) Can intravenous immunoglobulin improve antibody mediated botulinum toxin therapy failure? Mov Disord 15:1279-1281

Dressler D, Wittstock M, Benecke R (2000) Treatment of persistent hemiballismus with botulinum toxin type A. Mov Disord 15:1281-1282.

Dressler D (2000) Complete secondary botulinum toxin therapy failure in blepharospasm. J Neurol 247:809-810.

Dressler D (2000) Electromyographic evaluation of cervical dystonia for planning of botulinum toxin therapy. Eur J Neurol 7:713-718.

Münchau A, Corna S, Gresty M, Bhatia KP, Palmer JP, Dressler D, Quinn NP, Rothwell JC, Bronstein AM (2001) Abnormal interaction between vestibular and voluntary head control in patients with spasmodic torticollis. Brain 124:47-59.

Münchau A, Palmer JD, Dressler D, O’Sullivan J, Tsang KL, Jahanshahi M, Quinn NP, Lees AJ, Bhatia KP (2001) Prospective study of selective peripheral denervation for botulinum-toxin resistant patients with cervical dystonia. Brain 124:769-783.

Dressler D, Wittstock M, Benecke R (2001) Botulinum toxin for the treatment of jaw opening dystonia in Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome. Eur Neurol 45:287-288.

Dressler D, Dirnberger G (2001) Botulinum toxin antibody testing: Comparison between an immunoprecipitation assay and the mouse diaphragm assay. Eur Neurol 45:257-260.

Dressler D (2001) Botulinum Toxin Type B: Where do we stand? (Editorial) Eur Neurol 46: 113-114.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2001) Botulinum Toxin typ B: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der klinischen Anwendung. Klin Neurophysiol 32:240-243.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2001) Perspektiven der Botulinum Toxin Therapie der Dystonien. Klin Neurophysiol 32:213-217.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2002) Botulinum toxin antibody titres after cessation of botulinum toxin therapy. Mov Disord 17:170-173.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2002) Erste Erfahrungen mit der klinischen Anwendung von Botulinum Toxin Typ B. Nervenarzt 73:194-198.

Dressler D, Muenchau A, Bhatia KP, Quinn NP, Bigalke H (2002) Antibody induced botulinum toxin therapy failure: Can it be overcome by increased botulinum toxin doses? Eur Neurol 47:118-121.

Walter U, Wittstock M, Benecke R, Dressler D (2002) Substantia nigra echogenicity is normal in non-extrapyramidal cerebral disorders but increased in parkinson’s disease. J Neural Transm 109:191-196.

Walter U, Benecke R, Dressler D (2002) Hirnparenchymsonographie bei Bewegungsstörungen. Nervenheilkunde 21:58-63.

Wittstock M, Benecke R, Dressler D (2002) Cabergoline can increase penile erections and libido. Neurology 58:831.

Dressler D (2002) La toxina botulinica tipo B: ¿dónde estamos? Revista Chil Neuro-Psiquiat 56:6-8.

Homann CN, Wenzel K, Kriechbaum N, Suppan K, Crevenna R, Ivanic G, Dressler D (2002) Botulinum Toxin – Die Dosis macht das Gift. Ein historischer Abriß. Nervenheilkunde 73:519-524.

Dressler D (2002) Clinical features of secondary failure of botulinum toxin therapy. Eur Neurol 48:26-29.

Dressler D (2002) Medicine and the pharmaceutical industry (Editorial). Eur Neurol 48:125.

Probst T, Dressler D, Benecke R, Kunesch E (2002) Botulinumtoxin in der Schmerztherapie. Akt Neurol 29:389-401.

Dressler D (2002) Dysport produces intrinsically more swallowing problems than Botox: Unexpected results from a conversion factor study in cervical dystonia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 73:604.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F, Benecke R (2002) Botulinum toxin type B for treatment of axillar hyperhidrosis. J Neurol 249:1729-1732.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2003) Autonomic side effects of botulinum toxin type B treatment of cervical dystonia and hyperhidrosis. Eur Neurol 49:34-38.

Dressler D (2003) Botulinum toxin mechanisms of action. The Neurotoxin Institute. Web Page http://www.neurotoxininstitute.com/

Walter U, Niehaus L, Probst T, Benecke R, Meyer BU, Dressler D (2003) Brain parenchyma sonography discriminates idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes. Neurology 60:74-77.

Grundmann K, Laubis-Herrmann U, Bauer I, Dressler D, Vollmer-Haase J, Bauer P, Stuhrmann, Spangenberg M, Schöls L, Topka H, Riess O (2003) Frequency and phenotypic variability of the GAG deletion of the DYT1 gene in an unselected group of dystonia patients. Arch Neurol 60:1266-1270.

Homann CN, Suppan K, Wenzel K, Homann B, Pluta-Fürst A, Crevenna R, Schinagl D, Ruzicka E, Dressler D, Ivanic G (2003) East-west differences in the organization of botulinum toxin use in nine Central European Countries. Eur J Neurol 10: 213-219.

Dressler D (2003) Kommunikation als Bringschuld. Zum Editorial ‚Übersetzungen, Fehler und Folgen‘. Nervenheilkunde 22:87.

Dressler D, Benecke R, Bigalke H (2003) Botulinum toxin type B (NeuroBloc®) in patients with botulinum toxin type A antibody-induced therapy failure. J Neurol 250:967-969.

Grundmann K, Laubis-Herrmann U, Dressler D, Vollmer-Haase J, Bauer P, Stuhrmann M, Schulte T, Schöls L, Topka H, Riess O (2003) Genetic contribution of mutations in the epsilon-sarcoglycan gene in patients with different subtypes of dystonias. Ann Neurol 60:1266-1270.

Dressler D (2003) Botulinumtoxin B bei Kindern mit spastischen Bewegungsstörungen und funktioneller Hypersalivation. Akt Neurol 30:470.

Benecke R, Dressler D, Kunesch E, Probst T (2003) Der Einsatz von Botulinumtoxin in der Therapie von Muskelschmerzen. Schmerz 17:450-458.

Dressler D, Kunstmann C, Chana P (2003) Perspectivas de la terapia con toxina botulinica en distonia. Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat 41:139-144.

Dressler D (2003) Antikörpervermitteltes Versagen der Botulinum Toxin-Therapie. Nervenarzt 74:1098-1104.

Dressler D (2004) Clinical presentation and management of antibody-induced failure of botulinum toxin therapy. Mov Disord Suppl 8:S92-S100.

Bigalke H, Dressler D, Jankovic J (2004) Basic and therapeutic aspects of neurotoxins. Mov Disord Suppl 8:S1

Dressler D (2004) New formulation of BOTOX®: Complete antibody-induced therapy failure in hemifacial spasm. J Neurol 251:360.

Dressler D, Zettl UK, Rummel J, R Wegner (2004) Bad data don’t make good studies. Cerebrovascular Dis 18:254-254.

Walter U, Dressler D, Wolters A, Probst T, Grossmann A, Benecke R (2004) Sonographical discrimination between corticobasal degeneration and progressive supranuclear palsy. Neurology 63:504-509.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2004) Antibody-induced failure of botulinum toxin type B therapy in de novo patients. Eur Neurol 52:132-135.

Bigalke H, Dressler D, Jankovic J (2004) Basic and therapeutic aspects of neurotoxins. Movement Disord 19/S8:S1.

Walter U, Klein C, Hilker R, Benecke R, Pramstaller PP, Dressler D (2004) Brain parenchyma sonography detects preclinical parkinsonism. Mov Disord 19:1445-1449.

Grundmann K, Laubis-Herrmann U, Dressler D, Vollmer-Haase J, Bauer P, Stuhrmann M, Schulte T, Schols L, Topka H, Riess O (2004) Mutation at the SCA17 locus is not a common cause of primary dystonia. J Neurol 251:1232-1234.

Grundmann K, Laubis-Herrmann U, Dressler D, Vollmer-Haase J, Bauer P, Stuhrmann M, Schulte T, Schols L, Topka H, Riess O (2004) Lack of mutations in the epsilon-sarcoglycan gene in patients with different subtypes of primary dystonias. Mov Disord 11:1294-1297.

Dressler D (2004) Botulinum toxin mechanisms of action. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. 57:159-166.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2005) Botulinum toxin: therapeutic mechanisms of action. Eur Neurol 53:3-9.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F, Reis Barbosa E (2005) Botulinum toxin: Therapeutic mechanisms of action. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 63:180-185.

Dressler D (2005) Apomorphin bei der Behandlung des Morbus Parkinson. Nervenarzt 76: 681-689.

Dressler D (2005) Perspektiven der Apomorphintherapie. Akt Neurol 32 (Suppl 2): S61-S65.

Walter U, Krolikowski K, Tarnacka B, Benecke R, Czlonkowska A, Dressler D (2005) Sonographic detection of basal ganglia lesions in asymptomatic and symptomatic Wilson’s disease. Neurology 64: 1726-1732.

Dressler D (2005) Botulismus durch Räucherlachsverzehr. Nervenarzt 76:763-766.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2005) Botulinum toxin type B de novo therapy of cervical dystonia: frequency of antibody-induced therapy failure. J Neurol 252: 904-907.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2005) Acute movement disorders. J Neurol 252: 1299-1306.

Pau HW, Punke C, Zehlicke T, Dressler D, Sievert U (2005) Tonic contractions of the tensor tympani muscle: a key to some non-specific middle ear symptoms? Hypothesis and data from temporal bone experiments. Acta Otolaryngol 125:1168-1175.

Dressler D, Lange M, Bigalke H (2005) The mouse diaphragm assay for detection of antibodies against botulinum toxin type B. Mov Disord 20:1617-1619.

Das CP, Dressler D, Hallett M (2006) Treatment of writer’s cramp with botulinum toxin therapy: Differences between Botox®, Dysport®, and NeuroBloc®/MyoBloc™. Eur J Neurol 13(/Suppl 1):55-59.

Frei K, Bhidayasiri R, Truong DD, Dressler D (2006) Botulinum Toxin therapy of hemifacial spasms: differences between Botox®, Dysport®, and NeuroBloc®/MyoBloc™. Eur J Neurol 13 (Suppl 1):30-35.

Dressler D, Hallett M (2006) Immunological aspects of Botox®, Dysport®, and NeuroBloc®/MyoBloc™. Eur J Neurol 13 (Suppl 1):11-15.

Rosales RL, Bigalke H, Dressler D (2006) Pharmacology of botulinum toxins: Differences between type A preparations. Eur J Neurol 13 (Suppl 1):2-10.

Dressler D, Eleopra R (2006) Clinical use of non-A botulinum toxins: Botulinum toxin type B. Neurotox Res 9:121-125.

Eleopra R, Tugnoli V, Quadrale R, Rossetto O, Montecucco C, Dressler D (2006) Clinical use of non-A botulinum toxins: Botulinum toxin type C and botulinum toxin type F. Neurotox Res 9:127-131.

Walter U, Dressler D, Wolters A, Wittstock M, Greim B, Benecke R (2006) Sonographic discrimination of dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease with dementia. J Neurol 253:448-454.

Benecke R, Dressler D (2006) Stand der Botulinum Toxin Therapie bei Dystonien. Nervenheilkunde 25:527-536.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2006) Pharmakologie der Botulinum Toxine. Nervenheilkunde 25:521-526.

Dressler D (2006) Pharmakologische Aspekte der Botulinum Toxine. Nervenarzt 77:912-921.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2006) Xeomin® eine neue therapeutische Botulinum Toxin Typ A-Präparation. Akt Neurol 33:138-141.

Truong DD, Dressler D, Hallett M (2006) Clinical Uses of the Different Botulinum Toxin Formulations: Information for the Practicing Clinician – International Neurological Forum Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – 2-3 December 2004 – Foreword. E J Neurol 13 (Suppl 1):1.

Walter U, Dressler D, Wolters A, Wittstock M, Benecke R (2006) Overactive bladder in Parkinson’s disease: alteration of brainstem raphe detected by transcranial sonography. Eur J Neurol 13:1291-1297.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2007) New formulation of BOTOX®: Complete antibody-induced therapy failure in cervical dystonia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat J 78:108-109.

Walter U, Dressler D, Wolters A, Wittstock M, Benecke R (2007) Transcranial brain sonography findings in clinical subgroups of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 22:48-54.

Walter U, Dressler D, Probst T, Wolters A, Abu-Mugheisib M, Wittstock M, Benecke R (2007) Transcranial brain sonography findings in discriminating between parkinsonism and idiopathic Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol 64:1635-1640.

Dressler D (2007) Botulinum Toxin-Antikörper: Klinische Relevanz. Nervenarzt 78:1444-1446.

Zehlicke T, Punke C, Dressler D, Pau HW (2007) Intratympanic application of botulinum toxin: experiments in guinea pigs for excluding ototoxic effects. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 265:167-170.

Dressler D, Benecke R (2007) Pharmacology of therapeutic botulinum toxin preparations. Disab Rehabil 29: 1761-1768.

Benecke R, Dressler D (2007) Botulinum toxin treatment of axial and cervical dystonia. Disabil Rehabil 29:1769-1777.

Dressler D (2007) Entwicklungsperspektiven von Botulinum Toxin-Medikamenten. Nervenarzt 78:1444-1446.

Dressler D (2007) Pharmacological properties of botulinum toxins-medications. Hautarzt 58: 803-804.

Walter U, Dressler D, Lindemann C, Slachevsky A, Miranda M (2008) Transcranial sonography findings in welding-related Parkinsonism in comparison to Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 23:141-145.

Dressler D (2008) Botulinum toxin drugs: Future Developments. J Neural Transm 115: 575-577.

Trenkwalder C, Boesch S, Ceballos-Baumann A, Dressler D, Eggert K, Gasser T, Honig H, Reichmann H, Sieb JP, Storch A (2008) Konsensusstatement zum Einsatz intermittierender Apomorphin-Injektionen als Rescue-Therapie beim fortgeschrittenen Morbus Parkinson. Nervenarzt 79:475-479.

Dressler D (2008) Klinische Relevanz von Botulinum Toxin-Antikörpern. Nervenarzt 79(Suppl 1):36-40.

Das CP, Dressler D, Hallett M (2008) Botulinum toxin therapy of writer’s cramps. Eur J Neurol 13/Supplement 1: 55-59.

Dressler D, Reis Barbosa E (2008) Future trends in botulinum toxin. Rev Bras Neurol 44: 21-22.

Zeuner KE, Peller M, Knutzen A, Groppa S, Holler I, Kopper F, Raethjen J, Dressler D, Hallett M, Deuschl G, Siebner HR (2009). Slow pre-movement cortical potentials do not reflect individual response to therapy in writer’s cramp. Clin Neurophysiol 120:1213-1219.

Müller K, Mix E, Adib Saberi F, Dressler D, Benecke R (2009) Prevalence of neutralizing antibodies in patients treated with botulinum toxin type A for spasticity. J Neural Transm 116:579-585.

Lukban MB, Rosales RL, Dressler D (2009) Effectiveness of botulinum toxin A for upper and lower limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A summary of evidence. J Neural Transm 116:319-331.

Bensimon G, Ludolph A, Agid Y, Vidailhet M, Payan C, Leigh PN; NNIPPS Study Group (2009) Riluzole treatment, survival and diagnostic criteria in Parkinson plus disorders: the NNIPPS study. Brain 132:156-171.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2009) Botulinum Toxin: Vom Medikament zum Toxin. Akt Neurol 77(Suppl 1):S49-54.

Dressler D (2009) Routine use of Xeomin® in patients pre-treated with Botox®. Eur J Neurol 16 (Suppl 2):2-5.

Dressler D (2010) Comparing Botox® and Xeomin® for the treatment of axillar hyperhidrosis. J Neural Transm 117:317-319.

Kollewe K, Mohammadi B, Dengler R, Dressler D (2010) Hemifacial Spasm and Reinnervation Synkinesias: Long term Treatment with either Botox® or Dysport®. J Neural Transm

Schrader C, Dengler R, Dressler D (2010) Tetrabenazine zur Behandlung hyperkinetischer Bewegungsstörungen. Psychopharmakotherapie 17: 85-90.

Rosales RL, Dressler D (2010) On muscle spindles, dystonia and botulinum toxin. Eur J Neurol 17 (Suppl 1): 71-80.

Dressler D (2010) Botulinum toxin treatment of dystonia. Eur J Neurol 17 (Suppl 1): 88-96.

Dressler D, Warner T (2010) Dystonia Europe: Hamburg 2008, Foreword. Eur J Neurol 17 (Suppl 1): 1-3.

Adler S, Bicker G, Bigalke H, Bishop C, Blümel J, Dressler D, Fitzgerald J, Gericke C, Gessler F, Grune B, Hansper M, Heuschen H, Kegel B, Liebsch M, Luch A, Milne C, Pickett A, Ratsch H, Ruhdel I, Sesardic D, Spielmann H, Stephens M, Stiens G, Thornton PD, Thürmer R, Vey M (2010) Current Scientific and Legal Status of Alternative Methods to the LD50 Test for Botulinum Neurotoxin (BoNT) Potency Testing: Report and Recommendations of the ZEBET Expert Meeting. ATLA 38:315-330.

Dressler D., Pickenbrock H, Adib Saberi F (2010) Blick in die Medizin: Botulinumtoxin – Entspannung per Spritze. Ergopraxis 3:24-25.

Dressler D., Pickenbrock H, Adib Saberi F (2010) Blick in die Medizin: Botulinumtoxin – Entspannung per Spritze. Physiopraxis 8:40-41.

Dressler D (2010) Subclinical myasthenia gravis causing increased sensitivity to botulinum toxin therapy. J Neural Transm 117:1293-1294.

Frevert J, Dressler D (2010) Complexing proteins in botulinum toxin type A drugs – a help or hindrance? Biologics 4:325-332.

Dressler D, Wohlfahrt K, Meyer-Rogge E, Wiest L, Bigalke H (2011) Antibody-induced botulinum toxin therapy failure in dermal indications. Dermatol Surg 36 (Suppl 4): 2182-2187.

Schrader C, Böselt S, Wedemeyer J, Dressler D, WeismüllerTJ (2011) Asparagus and jejunal-through-PEG: an unhappy encounter in intrajejunal levodopa infusion therapy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 17:67-69.

Dressler D, Storch A, Sieb JP(2011) Klinische Pharmakologie von Apomorphin. Akt Neurol 38: S3-S6.

Schrader C, Capelle H-H, Kinfe T, Blahak C, Baezner H, Lütjens G, Dressler D, Krauss JK (2011) Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus in patients with dystonia may induce a hypokinetic gait disorder and freezing of gait in patients with dystonia. Neurology 77:483-488.

Payan CA, Viallet F, Landwehrmeyer BG, Bonnet AM, Borg M, Durif F, Lacomblez L, Bloch F, Verny M, Fermanian J, Agid Y, Ludolph AC, Leigh PN, Bensimon G; NNIPPS Study Group (2011) Disease severity and progression in progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy: validation of the NNIPPS-Parkinson Plus Scale. PLoS One 6:e22293.

Rolland Y, Vérin M, Payan CA, Duchesne S, Kraft E, Hauser TK, Jarosz J, Deasy N, Defevbre L, Delmaire C, Dormont D, Ludolph AC, Bensimon G, Leigh PN; NNIPPS Study Group (2011) A new MRI rating scale for progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy: validity and reliability. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 82:1025-1032.

Dressler D (2011) Nonprimary dystonias. Handb Clin Neurol 100:513-538.

Dressler D, Mander G, Fink K (2012) Measuring the potency labelling of onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®) and Xeomin® in an LD50 assay. J Neural Transm 119:13-15.

Tacik P, Alfieri A, Kornhuber M, Dressler D (2012) Gasperini’s Syndrome: Its Neuroanatomical Basis Now and Then. J Hist Neurosci 21:17-30.

Go CL, Frenzel A, Rosales RL, Lee LV, Benecke R, Dressler D, Walter U (2012) Assessment of substantia nigra echogenicity in German and Filipino population using a portable ultrasound system. J Ultrasound Med 31:191-196.

Dressler D (2012) Five-year experience with incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®): The first botulinum toxin drug free of complexing proteins. Eur J Neurol 19:385-389.

Wollmer MA, De Boer C, Kalak N, Beck J, Götz T, Schmidt T, Hodzic M, Bayer U, Kollmann T, Kollewe K, Sönmez D, Duntsch K, Haug MD, Dressler D, Schedlowski M, Hatzinger M, Brand S, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Kruger THC (2012) Facing depression with botulinum toxin. J Psychiatr Res 46: 574-581.

Dressler D (2012) Clinical applications of botulinum toxin. Curr Opin Microbiol 15:325-336.

Kollewe K, Körner S, Mohammadi B, Dressler D (2012) Zulassung von Botox® zur Behandlung der chronischen Migräne. Neuro aktuell 26:17-18.

Dressler D (2012) Pharmakologie der Botulinum Toxin-Medikamente. HNO 60:496-502.

Tacik P, Schrader C, Weber E, Dressler D (2012) Albert Schweitzer: a patient with writer’s cramp. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 18:453-457.

Adib Saberi F, Dressler D (2013) Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen (IAB): a new approach for promoting interdisciplinary therapy of movement disorders. J Neural Transm 120:705-710.

Dressler D (2013) Botulinum toxin therapy: its use for neurological disorders of the autonomic nervous system. J Neurol 260:701-13.

Naumann M, Dressler D, Hallett M, Jankovic J, Schiavo G, Segal KR, Truong D (2013) Evidenced-based review and assessment of botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of secretory disorders. Toxicon 67:141-152.

Hallett M, Albanese A, Dressler D, Segal KR, Simpson DM, Truong D, Jankovic J (2013) Evidence-based review and assessment of botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of movement disorders. Toxicon 67:94-114.

Tacik P, Dressler D (2013) Ultraschallgestützte Botulinumtoxin-Injektionen in der Neurologie. Klin Neurophysiol 44: 1-9.

Westenberger A, Rosales R, Heinitz S, Freimann K, Lee LV, Jamora RD, Ng AR, Domingo A, Lohmann K, Walter U, Nagel I, Siebert R, Gölnitz U, Rolfs A, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Dressler D, Klein C (2013) Genetic cause of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism (DYT3) in a female patient. Mov Disord 28:675-678.

Dressler D, Paus S, Seitzinger A, Gebhardt B, Kupsch A (2013) Long-term efficacy and safety of incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) injections in patients with cervical dystonia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 84:1014-1019.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2013) Towards a dose optimisation of botulinum toxin therapy for axillary hyperhidrosis: comparison of different Botox doses. J Neural Transm 120:1565-1567.

Walter U, Blitzer A, Benecke R, Grossmann A, Dressler D (2013) Sonographic detection of basal ganglia abnormalities in spasmodic dysphonia. Eur J Neurol (epub ahead)

Hubers AA, van Duijn E, Roos RA, Craufurd D, Rickards H, Bernhard Landwehrmeyer G, van der Mast RC, Giltay EJ, REGISTRY investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (2013) Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington’s disease population. J Affect Disord 151:248-258.

Rustamov N, Rodriguez-Raecke R, Timm L, Agrawal D, Dressler D, Schrader C, Tacik P, Wegner F, Dengler R, Wittfoth M, Kopp B (2013) Absence of congruency sequence effects reveals neurocognitive rigidity in Parkinsonʼs disease. Neuropsychologia 51:2976-2987.

Dressler D (2014) Tardive dystonic syndrome induced by the calcium-channel blocker amlodipine. J Neural Transm 121:367-369.

Dressler D, Tacik P, Adib Saberi F (2014) Botulinum toxin therapy of cervical dystonia: Comparing Botox® and Xeomin®. J Neural Transm 121:29-31.

Dressler D, Kupsch A, Seitzinger A, Paus S (2014) The Dystonia Discomfort Scale (DDS): a novel instrument to monitor the temporal profile of botulinum toxin therapy in cervical. Eur J Neurol 21: 459-462

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2014) Botulinum toxin in myotonia congenita: it does not help against rigidity and pain. J Neural Trans 121:531-532.

Olanow CW, Kieburtz K, Odin P, Espay AJ, Standaert DG, Fernandez HH, Vanagunas A, Othman AA, Widnell KL, Robieson WZ, Pritchett Y, Chatamra K, Benesh J, Lenz RA, Antonini A; LCIG Horizon Study Group (2014) Continuous intrajejunal infusion of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel for patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease: a randomised, controlled, double-blind, double-dummy study. Lancet Neurol 13:141-149.

Tacik P, Krasnianski M, Alfieri A, Dressler D (2014) Brissaud-Sicard syndrome caused by a diffuse brainstem glioma. A rare differential diagnosis of hemifacial spasm. Acta Neurochirurgica 156:429-430.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F, Bigalke H (2014) IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) can produce antibody-induced therapy failure in a patient pretreated with abobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport®). J Neural Transm 121:769-771.

Schilder JCM, Van Dijk JG, Dressler D, Koelman JHTM, Marinus J, Van Hilten JJ (2014) Responsiveness to botulinum toxin type A in tonic dystonia in complex regional pain syndrome. J Neural Transm 121:761-767.

Dressler D (2014) Klinische Aspekte der Immunogenität. Thieme Drug Report 7: 6-7.

Dressler D, Tacik P. Adib Saberi F (2014) Botulinum toxin therapy of cervical dystonia: duration of therapeutic effects. J Neural Transm 122:297-300.

Kollewe K, Mohammadi B, Köhler S, Pickenbrock H, Dengler R, Dressler D (2014) Blepharospasm: long-term treatment with either Botox®, Xeomin®or Dysport®. J Neural Transm 122:427-431.

Dressler D, Tacik P, Bigalke H, Gessler F (2014) An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of botulinum toxin antibodies. Mov Disord 29:1322-1324.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F, Kollewe K, Schrader C (2014) Safety aspects of incobotulinumtoxinA high dose therapy. J Neural Transm 122:327-333.

Walter U, Dressler D (2014) Ultrasound guided botulinum toxin injections in neurology. Exp Rev Neurother 14:923-936.

Rustamov N, Rodriguez-Raecke R, Timm L, Agrawal D, Dressler D, Schrader C, Tacik P, Wegner F, Dengler R, Wittfoth M, Kopp B (2014) Attention shifting in parkinson’s disease: an analysis of behavioral and cortical responses. Neuropsychology 28:929-944.

Pickenbrock H, Ziegler V, Dressler D (2014) Lagerungstherapie in der Neurologie – Basismassnahme mit Tücken. Die Schweter Der Pfleger: 53: 142-147.

Tacik P, Löns S, Schrader C, Gayde-Stephan S, Biskup S, Dressler D (2014) Severe familial paroxysmal excercise-induced dyskinesia caused by a novel SLC2A1 gene mutation. J Neurol 261:2009-2015.

Karapantzou C, Dressler D, Rohrbach S, Laskawi R (2014) Frontalis suspension surgery to treat patients with essential blepharospasm and apraxia of eyelid opening: technique and results. Head Face Med 10:44. doi: 10.1186/1746-160X-10-44.

Adib Saberi F, Dressler D, Moreno M, Micheli F (2014) Un grupo Interdisciplinario (GTI) para promover la terapia multimodal en trastornos del movimiento. Prensa Médic Argent 100:484-491.

Paracka L, Kollewe K, Dressler D (2015) Botulinum toxin therapy: reduction of injection site pain by nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture. J Neural Transm 122: 1279-1282.

Walter U, Dressler D (2015) Botulinum toxin treatment in neurology: indications, technique and ultrasound-guidance. Klin Neurophysiol 46: 56-64.

Pickenbrock H, Ludwig VU, Zapf A, Dressler D (2015) Positioning for central neurological disorders – a randomized trial. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 112: 35-42.

Albanese A, Abbruzzese G, Dressler D, Duzynski W, Khatkova S, Marti MJ. Mir P, Montecucco C, Moro E, Pinter M, Relja M, Roze E, Skogseid IM, Timerbaeva S, Tzoulis C (2015) Practical guidance for CD management involving treatment of botulinum toxin: a consensus statement. J Neurol 262:2201-2213.

Domingo A, Westenberger A, Lee LV, Brænne I, Liu T, Vater I, Rosales R, Jamora RD, Pasco PM, Cutiongco-Dela Paz EM, Freimann K, Schmidt TG, Dressler D, Kaiser FJ, Bertram L, Erdmann J, Lohmann K, Klein C (2015) New insights into the genetics of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism (XDP, DYT3). Eur J Hum Genet 23:1334-1340.

Zeuner KE, Knutzen A, Granert O, Götz J, Wolff S, Jansen O, Dressler D, Hefter H, Hallett M, Deuschl G, van Eimeren T, Witt K (2015) Increased volume and impaired function: the role of the basal ganglia in writer’s cramp. Brain Behav 5:e00301 (epub ahead).

Zeuner KE, Knutzen A, Granert O, Sablowsky S, Götz J, Wolff S, Jansen O, Dressler D, Schneider SA, Klein C, Deuschl G, van Eimeren T, Witt K (2015) Altered brain activation in a reversal learning task unmasks adaptive changes in cognitive control in writer’s cramp. Neuroimage Clin 10:63-70.

Dressler D, Berweck S, Chatzikalfas A, Ebke M, Frank B, Hesse S, Huber M, Krauss JK, Mücke K-H, Nolte A, Oelmann H-D, Schönle PW, Schmutzler M, Pickenbrock H, Van der Ven C, Veelken N, Vogel M, Vogt T, Adib Saberi F (2015) Intrathecal baclofen therapy in Germany: proceedings of the IAB-Interdisciplinary Working Group for Movement Disorders consensus meeting. J Neural Transm 122:1573-1579.

Dressler D, Altenmueller E, Bhidayasiri R, Boholega S, Chana P, Chung TM, Frucht S, Garcia-Ruiz PJ, Kaelin A, Kaji R, Kanovsky P, Laskawi R, Micheli F, Orlova O, Relja M, Rosales R, Slawek J, Timerbaeva S, Warner TT, Adib Saberi F (2015) Strategies for Treatment of Dystonia. J Neural Transm 123:251-258.

Pickenbrock H, Zapf A, Dressler D (2015) Effects of therapeutic positioning on vital parameters in patients with central neurological disorders: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Nurs 24:3681-3690.

Trenkwalder C, Chaudhuri KR, Martinez-Martin P, Rascol O, Ehret R, Vališ M, Sátori M, Krygowska-Wajs A, Marti MJ, Reimer K, Oksche A, Lomax M, DeCesare J, Hopp M; PANDA study group (2015) Prolonged-release oxycodone-naloxone for treatment of severe pain in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PANDA): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol 14:1161-1170.

Dressler D, Rychlik R, Schnur N, Lambert-Baumann J (2015) Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of IncobotulinumtoxinA and Conventional Treatment of Poststroke Arm Spasticity – a Prospective, Non-Interventional, Open-Label, Parallel-Group Study. BMJ Open 5: e009358.

Rychlik RPT, Kreimendahl F, Schnur N, Lambert-Baumann J, Dressler D(2015) Quality of life and costs of spasticity treatment in German stroke patients. Health Econ Rev 6:27.

Pickenbrock H, Zapf A, Dressler D (2016) Lagerung von Patienten mit zentral-neurologischen Läsionen in der sub-akuten und chronischen Phase hat keinen Einfluss auf Vitalparameter – ein RCT. J Anästhesie Intensivmed 1: 48-49.

Dressler D (2016) Botulinum Toxin Drugs: Brief History and Outlook. J Neural Transm 123:277-279.

Dressler D, Altenmueller E, Bhidayasiri R, Bohlega S, Chana P, Chung TM, Frucht S, Garcia-Ruiz PJ, Kaelin A, Kaji R, Kanovsky P, Laskawi R, Micheli F, Orlova O, Relja M, Rosales R, Slawek J, Timerbaeva S, Warner TT, Saberi FA (2016) Erratum to: Strategies for treatment of dystonia. J Neural Transm 123:259.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2016) Reconstituting Botulinum Toxin Drugs: Shaking, Stirring or What? J Neural Transm 123:523-525.

Kollewe K, Escher C, Wulff DU, Fathi D, Paracka L, Mohammadi B, Karst M, Dressler D (2016) Long-term Treatment of Chronic Migraine with OnabotulinumtoxinA: Efficacy, Quality of Life and Tolerability in a Real-Life Setting. J Neural Transm 123:533-540.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F, Bigalke H (2016) Botulinum Toxin Therapy: Reduction of Injection Site Pain by pH-normalisation. J Neural Transm 123:527-531.

Lange F, Seer C, Salchow C, Dengler R, Dressler D, Kopp B (2016) Meta-analytical and electrophysiological evidence for executive dysfunction in primary dystonia. Cortex 82:133-146.

Lange F, Seer C, Dengler R, Dressler D, Kopp B (2016) Cognitive Flexibility in Primary Dystonia. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 22:662-670.

Dressler D, Vogt S, Adib Saberi F (2016) Der Off-Label Use am Beispiel der Botulinumtoxin-Therapie. Klin Neurophysiol 47: 87-91.

Cubo E, Ramos-Arroyo MA, Martinez-Horta S, Martínez-Descalls A, Calvo S, Gil-Polo C; European HD Network (2016) Clinical manifestations of intermediate allele carriers in Huntington disease. Neurology 87:571-578.

Rychlik R, Kreimendahl F, Schnur N, Lambert-Baumann J, Dressler D (2016) Erratum to: ‚Quality of life and costs of spasticity treatment in German stroke patients‘. Health Econ Rev 6:41.

Zeuner K, Acewicz A, Knutzen A, Dressler D, Lohmann K, Witt K (2016) Dopamine DRD2 polymorphism (DRD2/ANNK1-Taq1A) is not a significant risk factor in writer’s cramp. J Neurogen 4:1-4.

Amar D, Grütz K, Lee L, Rosales RL, Brüggemann N, Jamora RD, Cutiongco-De La Paz EM, Walter U, Rolfs A, Dressler D, Lohmann K, Shamir R, Klein C, Westenberger A (2016) Evidence of TAF1 dysfunction in peripheral models of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism. Cell Molec Life Sci 73:3205-3215.

Lange F, Seer C, Loens S, Wegner F, Schrader C, Dressler D, Dengler R, Kopp B (2016) Neural mechanisms underlying cognitive inflexibility in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia 93/Part A: 142-150.

Rychlik R, Kreimendahl F, Schnur N, Lambert-Baumann J, Dressler D (2016) Quality of life and costs of spasticity treatment in German stroke patients. Health Econ Rev 6:27. Erratum in: Health Econ Rev6:41.

Hentschel F, Dressler D, Abele M, Paus S (2017) Autonomic dysfunction in cervical dystonia: caused by depression? J Neural Transm 124:245-251.

Dressler D, Karapantzou C, Rohrbach S, Laskawi R (2017) Frontalis Suspension Operation to Treat Patients with Blepharospasm and Eyelid Opening Apraxia: Long-Term Results. J Neural Transm 124:253-257.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2017) Immunological Aspects of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Exp Rev Neurother 17:487-494.

Dressler D, Bhidayasiri R, Bohlega S, Chahidi A, Mo Chung T, Ebke M, Jacinto LJ, Kaji R, Koçer S, Kanovsky P, Micheli F, Orlova O, Paus S, Pirtosek Z, Relja M, Rosales RL, Sagástegui-Rodríguez JA, Schoenle PW, Shahidi GA, Timerbaeva S, Walter U, Adib Saberi F (2017) Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Treatment of Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis: Review and Recommendations of the IAB – Interdisciplinary Working Group for Movement Disorders Task Force. J Neurol 264:112-120.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2017) Immunological safety of incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) therapy with reduced interinjection intervals. J Neural Transm 124:437-440.

Seer C, Lange F, Loens S, Wegner F, Schrader C, Dressler D, Dengler R, Kopp B (2017) Dopaminergic modulation of performance monitoring in Parkinson’s disease: An event-related potential study. Sci Rep 7:41222.

Walter U, Rosales R, Rocco A, Westenberger A, Domingo A, Go CL, Brüggemann N, Klein C, Lee LV, Dressler D (2017) Sonographic alteration of substantia nigra is related to parkinsonism-predominant course of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism. Parkinson Rel Disord 37:43-49.

Wissel J, Bensmail D, Ferreira J, Molteni F, Satkunam L, Moraleda S, Rekand T, McGuire J, Scheschonka A, Flatau-Baqué B, Simon O, Dressler D*, Simpson DM* (2017) Safety and efficacy of incobotulinumtoxinA doses up to 800 U in spasticity: the TOWER study. Neurology 88:1321-1328. *shared senior authorship

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2017) Economics of botulinum toxin therapy: influence of the abobotulinumntoxinA package size on the costs of botulinum toxin therapy. Mov Dis Clin Pract 4:6.

Loens S, Chorbadzhieva E, Kleimann A, Dressler D, Schrader C (2017) Effects of levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel versus oral levodopa/carbidopa on B vitamin levels and neuropathy. Brain Behav 7:e00698. doi: 10.1002/brb3.698.

Paracka L, Kollewe K, Wegner F, Dressler D (2017) Strategies to Decrease Injection Site Pain in Botulinum Toxin Therapy. J Neural Transm 124:1213-1216.

Dressler D, Roggenkaemper P (2017) A Brief History of Neurological Botulinum Toxin History in Germany. J Neural Transm 124:1217-1221.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2017) Long-term stability of reconstituted incobotulinumtoxinA: how can we reduce costs of botulinum toxin therapy? J Neural Transm 124:1223-1225.

Paracka L, Wegner F, Blahak C, Abdallat M, Saryyeva A, Dressler D, Karst M, Krauss JK (2017) Sensory Alterations in Patients with Isolated Idiopathic Dystonia: An Exploratory Quantitative Sensory Testing Analysis. Front Neurol 8:553.

Escher CM, Paracka L, Dressler D, Kollewe K (2017) Botulinum toxin in the management of chronic migraine: clinical evidence and experience. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 10:127-135.

Schrader C, Ebke M, Dressler D (2018) Botulinum Toxin Therapy in Patients with Oral Anticoagulation: Is it Safe? J Neural Transm d 125:173-176.

Dressler D, Bhidayasiri R, Boholega S, Chana P, Chien S, Chung TM, Colosimo C, Ebke M, Fedoroff K, Frank B, Kaji R, Kanovsky P, Koçer S, Micheli F, Orlova O, Paus S, Pirtosek Z, Relja M, Rosales RL, Sagástegui-Rodríguez JA, Schoenle PW, Shahidi GA, Timerbaeva S, Walter U, Adib Saberi F (2018) Defining Spasticity: A New Approach Considering Current Movement Disorders Terminology and Botulinum Toxin Therapy. J Neurol 265:856-862.

Dressler D, Ebke M, Rebscher H, Sprinz A, Thiem H, Blaich C, Rychlik R (2018) Defizite in der Versorgunglage von Patienten mit Spastik. Welt der Krankenversicherung 5:113-116.

Klietz M, Tulke A, Müschen LH, Paracka L, Schrader C, Dressler DW, Wegner F (2018) Impaired Quality of Life and Need for Palliative Care in a German Cohort of Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Front Neurol 9:120. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00120.

Dressler D, Pan L, Bigalke H (2018) Comparing IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) and OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®): Identical Potency Labelling in the Hemidiaphragm Assay. J Neural Transm 125:1351-1354.

Dressler D, Pan L, Adib Saberi F (2018) Antibody-induced Failure of Botulinum Toxin Therapy: Re-Start with Low-Antigenicity Drugs Offers a New Treatment Opportunity. J Neural Transm 125:1481-1486.

McNulty P, Pilcher R, Ramesh R, Necuiniate R, Hughes A, Farewell D, Holmans P, Jones L; REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (2018) Reduced Cancer Incidence in Huntington’s Disease: Analysis in the Registry Study. J Huntingtons Dis 7:209-222.

Xiao L, Pan L, Li B, Zhou Y, Pan Y, Zhang X, Hu Y, Dressler D*, Jin L* (2018) Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Hemifacial Spasm: Bilateral Injections can Reduce Facial Asymmetry. J Neurol 265:2097-2105. *shared senior authorship

Klietz M, Diekstall M, Lange F, Tulke A, Paracka L, Dressler D, Wegner F (2019) Validating the Parkinson’s disease caregiver burden questionnaire (PDCB) in German caregivers of advanced Parkinson’s disease patients. Int Psychogeriatr 25:1-10.

Klietz M, Öcalan Ö, Schneider N, Dressler D, Stiel S, Wegner F (2019) Advance Directives of German People with Parkinson’s Disease Are Unspecific in regard to Typical Complications. Parkinsons Dis 2019:2107821. doi: 10.1155/2019/2107821.

Klietz M, Bronzlik P, Nösel P, Wegner F, Dressler DW, Dadak M, Maudsley AA, Sheriff S, Lanfermann H, Ding XQ (2019) Altered Neurometabolic Profile in Early Parkinson’s Disease: A Study With Short Echo-Time Whole Brain MR Spectroscopic Imaging. Front Neurol 10:777. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019

Westenberger A, Reyes CJ, Gerard Saranza G, Dobricic V, Hanßen H, Domingo A, Laabs B-J, Schaake S, Pozojevic J, Rakovic A, Pawlack H, Walter U, Dressler D, Bauer P, Rolfs A, Münchau A, Kaiser FJ, Ozelius LJ, Grütz K, Begemann K, Jamora RD, Rosales R, Diesta CCE, Lohmann K, König IR, Brüggemann N, Christine Klein CA (2019) Hexanucleotide repeat modifies expressivity of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism. Ann Neurol 85:812-822.

Fheodoroff K, Dressler D, Woldag H, Koßmehl P, Koch M, Maisonobe P, Reichel G (2019) Therapieziele bei Patienten mit Armspastik nach Schlaganfall: Ergebnisse der deutsch-österreichischen Subgruppe der ULIS-II-Studie. Nervenarzt 90:361-370.

Dadgardoust PD, Rosales RL, Asuncion RM, Dressler D (2019) Botulinum neurotoxin a therapy efficacy and safety for oromandibular dystonia: a meta-analysis. J Neural Transm ). 126:141-148.

Oosterloo M, Bijlsma EK, van Kuijk SM, Minkels F, de Die-Smulders CE; REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network; Registry Steering committee; Language coordinators; EHDN’s associate site in Singapore (2019) Clinical and genetic characteristics of late-onset Huntington’s disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 61:101-105.

Dressler , Pan L, Adib Saberi F, Bigalke H (2019) Do Complexing Proteins provide mechanical Protection for Botulinum Toxin Neurotoxins? J Neural Transm 126:1047-1050.

Paracka L, Kollewe K, Klietz M, Petri S, Dressler D (2019) IncobotulinumtoxinA for hypersalivation in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neural Transm 126:1341-1345.

Pan L, Bigalke H, Kopp B, Jin L, Dressler D (2019) Comparing lanbotulinumtoxinA (Hengli®) with onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®) and incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) in the mouse hemidiaphragm assay. J Neural Transm 126:1625-1629.

Dressler D, Kollewe K, Krueger THC, Gade N, Sikorra S, Bigalke H (2019) Botulinum Toxin Type D blocks autonomic cholinergic Synapses in Humans: Discussion of a potential therapeutic Use. J Neural Transm 126:1337-1340.

Drexel SC, Klietz M, Kollewe K, Paracka L, Kutschenko A, Kopp B, Lange F, Wegner F, Dressler D (2020) Caregiver burden and health-related quality of life in idiopathic dystonia patients under botulinum toxin treatment: a cross-sectional study. J Neural Transm 127:61-70.

Dressler D, Milanov I (2019) Why Movement Disorders should be a formally acknowledged Subspecialty of Neurology. Editorial. Bulg J Neurol 20:44-45.

Sringean J, Dressler D, Bhidayasiri R (2019) Unilateral facial spasms: more than hemifacial spasm. A case example with systematic review. J Neurol Sci 407:116532.

Dressler D (2020) OnabotulinumtoxinA should be Considered in Medication Overuse Withdrawal in Patients with Chronic Migraine. Brain 143:e5.

Drexel SC, Klietz M, Kollewe K, Paracka L, Kutschenko A, Kopp B, Lange F, Wegner F, Dressler D (2020) Caregiver burden and health-related quality of life in idiopathic dystonia patients under botulinum toxin treatment: a cross-sectional study. J Neural Transm 127:61-70.

Klietz M, Drexel SCC, Schnur T, Lange F, Groh A, Paracka L, Greten S, Dressler D, Höglinger GU, Wegner F (2020) Mindfulness and Psychological Flexibility are Inversely Associated with Caregiver Burden in Parkinson’s Disease. Brain Sci 10: pii: E111.

Dressler D (2020) Therapeutically relevant features of botulinum toxin drugs. Toxicon 175:64-68.

Pekrul M, Seer C, Lange F, Dressler D, Kopp B (2020) Flanker Task Performance in Isolated Dystonia (Blepharospasm): A Focus on Sequential Effects. Brain Sci 10: pii: E76.

Fheodoroff K, Rekand T, Medeiros L, Koßmehl P, Wissel J, Bensmail D, Scheschonka A, Flatau-Baqué B, Simon O, Dressler D*, Simpson DM* (2020) Quality of life in subjects with upper- and lower-limb spasticity treated with incobotulinumtoxinA. BMC Health and Qual Life Outcomes 18:51. doi: 10.1186/s12955-020-01304-4. *shared senior authorship

Klietz M, Schnur T, Drexel S, Lange F, Tulke A, Rippena L, Paracka L, Dressler D, Höglinger GU, Wegner F (2020) Association of Motor and Cognitive Symptoms with Health-Related Quality of Life and Caregiver Burden in a German Cohort of Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Parkinsons Dis 2020:5184084. doi: 10.1155/2020/5184084.

Siongco PRL, Rosales RL, Moore AP, Freynhagen R, Arimura K, Kanovsky P, Kaji R, Fernandez HH, Dressler D (2020) Botulinum Neurotoxin Injections for Muscle-Based (Dystonia and Spasticity) and Non-Muscle-Based (Neuropathic Pain) Pain Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Study. J Neural Transm 127:935-951.

Kutschenko A, Klietz M, Paracka L, Kollewe K, Schulte-Sutum A, Janssen T, Schrader C, Wegner F, Dressler D (2020) Dysphagia in cervical dystonia patients receiving optimised botulinum toxin therapy: a single-center retrospective cohort study. J Neural Transm 127: 161-1165.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2020) Botulinum Toxin Therapy in the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Patient Perceptions from a German Cohort. J Neural Transm 127:1271-1274.

Walter U, Mühlenhoff C, Benecke R, Dressler D, Mix E, Alt J, Wittstock M, Dudesek A, Storch A, Kamm C (2020) Predictors and outcome of antibody-induced secondary failure of botulinum neurotoxin therapy. Neurology 94:e2109-e2120.

Klietz M, Schnur T, Drexel SC, Lange F, Paracka L, Huber MK, Dressler D, Höglinger GU, Wegner F (2020) Alexithymia is associated with reduced quality of life and increased caregiver burden in Parkinson’s disease. Brain Sci 10: 401. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10060401.

Rodriguez-Raecke R, Schrader C, Tacik P, Dressler D, Q. Ding XQ, Lanfermann H, Wittfoth M (2020) Flanker task congruency conflict and related neuronal processing in Parkinson’s disease. Brain Sci 10:76. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10020076.

Bensmail D, Wissel J, Laffont I, Simon O, Scheschonka A, Flatau-Baqué B, Dressler D*, Simpson DM* (epub ahead) Efficacy of incobotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of adult lower-limb spasticity, including pes equinovarus: A post-hoc analysis. Ann Phys Rehab 61/Suppl 2018:e67* shared senior authorship

Pekrul M, Seer C, Lange F, Dressler D, Kopp B (2020) Behavioral Effects of Stimulus Congruency and Response Sequence in Primary Dystonia. Brain Sci 10:76. doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10020076

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F, Rosales R (2020) Botulinum toxin therapy of dystonia. J Neural Transm. doi.org/10.1007/s00702-020-02266-z. J Neural Transm (2021) 128(4):531-537

Dressler D, Altavista MC, Altenmueller E, Bhidayasiri R, Bohlega S, Chana P, Chung TM; Colosimo C, Fheodoroff K, Garcia-Ruiz PJ, Jeon B, Jin L, Kanovsky P, Milanov I, Micheli F, Orlova O, Pandey S, Pirtosek Z, Relja M, Rosales R, Sagástegui-Rodríguez JA, Shahidi GA, Timerbaeva S, Wan X, Walter U, Adib Saberi F (2021) Consensus Guidelines for Botulinum Toxin Therapy: General Algorithms and Dosing Tables for Dystonia and Spasticy. J Neural Transm 128:321-335.

Dressler D, Kopp B, Adib Saberi F (2021) Botulinum toxin dosing in arm muscles: Contextual factors. J Neural Transm 128:315-319.

Rodriguez-Raecke R, Schrader C, Tacik P, Dressler D, Lanfermann H, Wittfoth M (2022) Conflict adaptation and related neuronal processing in Parkinson’s disease. Brain Imag Behav 16(1): 455–463

Johnson EA, Dressler D (2022) Contrarian Botox pioneer remembered. Nature 603 (7899): 32. doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00596-4.

Dressler D, Johnson EA (2022) Obituary: Dr. Alan Brown Scott.Toxicon. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.

Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Giess R, Krauss JK, Adib Saberi F (2022) The epidemiology of dystonia: the Hannover epidemiology study. Journal of Neurology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-022-11310-9. Journal of Neurology 269: 6483–6493.

Dressler D, Johnson, EA (2022) Potency of botulinum toxin drugs: test systems and labelling. J Neural Transm. doi.org/10.1007/s00702-022-02535-z. Journal of Neural Transmission volume 129:1309–1310

Dressler D, Johnson EA (2022) Botulinum Toxin Therapy: Past, Present and Future Developments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-022-02494-5. J Neural Transm 129:829-833.

Dressler D (2022) Why We Need a Close Cooperation between Russian and European Medicine. Arch Euromed 11. doi.org/10.35630/2199-885X/2021/11/1/ed3.

Dressler D, Rothwell JC, Bhatia K, Kopp B, Bigalke H, Adib Saberi F (2023) Botulinum Toxin Antibody Titres: Measurement, Interpretation, and Practical Recommendations. J Neurol 270:1524-1530.

Dressler D, Kopp B, Pan L, Adib Saberi F (2024) The Natural Course of Cervical Dystonia. Journal of Neural Transmission https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-023-02736-0; J Neural Transm 131:245–252.

Dressler D, Kopp B, Pan L, Adib Saberi F (2024) Excessive Psychological Stress Preceding the Onset of Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-023-02694-7. J Neural Transm 131:53-57.

Dressler D, Kopp B, Pan L, Blitzer A, Adib Saberi F (in press) Spasmodic dysphonia: The Need for a Combined Neurological and Phoniatric  Approach. J Neural Transm

Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Pan L, Adib Saberi F (in press) Optimal Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Dystonia in Germany: How Much Would it Cost?




Dressler D (1985) Zur Physiologie Transkortikaler Reflexe: Korrelationen zwischen EMG-Reflexkomponenten und Kinästhetisch Evozierten Potentialen. Promotionsschrift, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen

Dressler D (1995) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie. Thieme, Stuttgart

Dressler D (1996) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie. Ein Ratgeber für Patienten. 1st Edition. Deutsche Dystonie Gesellschaft e.V., Hamburg

Dressler D (1997) What is Botulinum Toxin Therapy? Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, Chicago, Ill, USA

Dressler D (2000) Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York

Dressler D (2000) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie: Ein Ratgeber für Patienten. 2nd Edition. Deutsche Dystonie Gesellschaft e.V., Hamburg

Dressler D (2003) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie. Ein Ratgeber für Patienten. 3rd Edition. Deutsche Dystonie Gesellschaft e.V., Hamburg

Dressler D (2003) Tratamiento con toxina botulinica. Masson Doyma, Mexico City

Bigalke H, Dressler D, Jankovic J (Eds) (2004) Basic and Therapeutic Aspects of Neurotoxins. Mov Disord 19/Suppl 8: S1-S167.

Dressler D (2005) Antikörperinduziertes Botulinum Toxin-Therapieversagen: Symptomatik, Abklärung, Behandlung. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Rostock, Rostock

Dressler D (2005) Antikörperinduziertes Botulinum Toxin-Therapieversagen: Symptomatik, Abklärung, Behandlung. Hoffmann-Verlag, Mainz

Jankovic J, Dressler D, Bigalke H (2006) Basic and Therapeutic Aspects of Neurotoxins. Neurotoxicity Res 9: 63-246.

Truong DD, Dressler D, Hallett M (2006) Comparing Different Botulinum Toxins. Eur J Neurol 13 (Suppl 1): 1-69.

Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (2009) Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Micheli F, Dressler D (2010) Toxina Botulínica – Nuevas Indicaciones Terapéuticas. Editorial Médica Panamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dressler D, Warner T (2010) Dystonia Europe. Eur J Neurol 17 (Suppl):1-112.

Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (2012) Toxina Botulinuca: Manual de Tratamento. DiLivros, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M, Zachary C (2013) Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Dressler D (2015) Botulinumtoxin-Therapie: Ein Ratgeber für Patienten. IAB, Hamburg

Rosales RL Dressler D (2016) Botulinum Toxin Therapy Manual for Dystonia and Spasticity. Rijeka: Intech.

Altenmüller E, Dressler D, Krauss, JK (2016) Abstracts of the Third International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia, 4-7 May 2016, Hannover, Germany. J Neural Transm

Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (2018) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK

Dressler D, Riederer C (2018) Dystonie: Meilensteine der Beschreibung, Darstellung und Therapie. IAB-Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen, Hamburg, Germany.




Voth E, Feldmann M, Henze Th, Dressler D, Emrich D (1988) Significance of HMPAO-SPECT in the early diagnosis and follow-up of acute cerebral ischemia – comparison to CCT. In: Schmidt HAE, Buraggi GL (Eds) Nuclear Medicine, trends and possibilities in nuclear medicine. Schattauer, Stuttgart

Ceballos-Baumann AO, Poewe W, Benecke R, Dengler R, Deuschl G, Dressler D, Oertel W (1989) Therapie fokaler Dystonien mit Botulinustoxin A (BOTOX). In: Elger CE, Dengler R (Eds) Jahrbuch der Neurologie 1989. Biermann, Zülpich

Dressler D, Rothwell JC, Day BL, Thompson PD, Marsden CD (1989) Physiology of magnetic brain stimulation. In: Chokroverty S (Ed) Magnetic stimulation in clinical neurophysiology. Butterworths, Stoneham, MA

Schönle PW, Dressler D, Conrad B (1990) Oro-facial movement impairments in cerebellar dysarthria: A kinetic analysis with electromagnetic articulography. Marsden CD, Benecke R (Eds) Motor Disorders II, Raven Press, New York

Dressler D, Ische H, Feldmann M, Brenner PM, Voth E (1991) 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT und CT in der Diagnostik von Hirntumoren. In: Firnhaber W, Dworschak K, Lauer K, Nichtweiss M (Eds) Multiple Sklerose-Neuroonkologie-Konstitutionelle Dyslexie. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Bd. 6:290-291, Springer, Heidelberg

Dressler D (1991) Botulinum Toxin bei nicht-dystonen Hyperkinesen: Spasmus hemifacialis, Bruxismus und Hyperkinesen nach hypoglosso-fazialen Anastomosen. In:  (Eds) Multiple Sklerose-Neuroonkologie-Konstitutionelle Dyslexie. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Bd. 6:760-761, Springer, Heidelberg

Brenner PM, Claus D, Engelhardt A, Spitzer A, Dressler D, Neundörfer B, Rummelt V, Lang GE, Reichmann H (1991) Kearns Sayre Syndrom: Darstellung dreier Patienten. In: Firnhaber W, Dworschak K, Lauer K, Nichtweiss M (Eds) Multiple Sklerose-Neuroonkologie-Konstitutionelle Dyslexie. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Bd. 6:772-773, Springer, Heidelberg

Dressler D (1994) Botulinum Toxin. Neue Indikationen. In: Poewe W (Ed): Neue Perspektiven für die Therapie mit Botulinum Toxin Typ A. Wissenschaftsverlag Wellingsbüttel, Hamburg, pp 65-75

Dressler D (1995) Grundlagen der Wirkung von Botulinumtoxin. In: Deuschl G (Ed): Botulinumtoxin-Forum 1995. Wissenschaftsverlag Wellingsbüttel, Hamburg, pp 14-30

Dressler D, Zettl UK, Benecke R (2000) Bewegungsstörungen bei Multipler Sklerose. In: Zettl UK, Mix E (Hg). Multiple Sklerose. Kausal orientierte, symptomatische und rehabilitative Therapie. Springer, Heidelberg

Benecke R, Dressler D (2000) Diagnostik, Klassifiaktion und Therapie der Spastik bei Multipler Sklerose. In: Zettl UK, Mix E (Hg). Multiple Sklerose. Kausal orientierte, symptomatische und rehabilitative Therapie. Springer, Heidelberg

Zettl UK, Dressler D, Guthoff R (2000) Neuritis nervi optici und Multiple Sklerose. In: Zettl UK, Mix E (Hg). Multiple Sklerose. Kausal orientierte, symptomatische und rehabilitative Therapie. Springer, Heidelberg

Benecke R, Classen J, Dressler D (2002) Tone and its Disorders. In: Brown WF, Bolton CF, Aminoff MJ (Eds) Neuromuscular Function and Disease. Basic, Clinical, and Electrodiagnostic Aspects Vol 2. WB Saunders & Co, Philadelphia, pp1781-1802

Dressler D (2002) Managing Patients with Botulinum Toxin Antibodies. In: Brin MF, Jankovic J, Hallett M (Eds) Scientific and Therapeutic Aspects of Botulinum Toxin. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp417-425

Dressler D (2002) Ungewöhnliche Formen motorischer Überaktivität: Spasmen. In: Hacke W, Hennerici M, Diener HC, Felgenhauer K, Wallesch CW, Busch E (Eds) Aktuelle Neurologie. Sonderband Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie Neurologie 2002. Fortbildungsakademie der 75. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. Thieme, Stuttgart 2002, pp149-157

Benecke R, Moore P, Dressler D, Naumann M (2003) Cervical and axial dystonia. Moore P, Naumann M (Eds) Handbook of Botulinum Toxin Therapy, 2nd Edition. Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp158-194

Dressler D, Benecke R (2003) Autonomic side effects of botulinum toxin type B therapy. In: Fahn S, Hallett M, DeLong M (Eds) Dystonia 4. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp315-321

Brin MF, Dressler D, Aoki R (2004) Pharmacology of botulinum toxin therapy. In: Jankovic J, Comella C, Brin MF (Eds) Dystonia: Etiology, Clinical Features, and Treatment. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia

Dressler D, Benecke R (2004) Antikörpervermitteltes Versagen der Botulinum Toxin-Therapie. In: Laskawi R, Roggenkämper P (Eds) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie im Kopf-Hals-Bereich. Urban & Vogel, München

Benecke R, Dressler D (2004) Zervikale Dystonie. In: Laskawi R, Roggenkämper P (Eds) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie im Kopf-Hals-Bereich. Urban & Vogel, München

Dressler D (2004) Botulinum Toxin Mechanisms of Action. In: Hallett M, Phillips LH, Schomer DL, Massey JM (Eds) Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology. Vol. 57. pp

Dressler D (2005) Botulinum Toxin-Therapieversagen: Ursachen, Abklärung und Behandlungsstrategien. In: Oertel WH, Diener HC, Busch E (Hg) Neurologie 2005. Thieme, Stuttgart, 219-221

Dressler D (2006) Botulinum Toxin und Neurophysiologie. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. 50. Jahrestagung. Richard-Jung-Kolleg. pp 1-5

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2007) Cranial Dystonias. In: Bressman S, Warner T (Eds) Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Dystonia. Martin Dunitz/Taylor & Francis, London, UK

Dressler D (2008) Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Dystonia. In: Hallett M, Poewe W (Eds) Therapeutics of Parkinson’s Disease and other Movement Disorders. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK. pp 227-241

Truong D, Dressler D (2009) Botulinum Toxin: History of Clinical Development. In: Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (Eds): Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Cambridge University Press, Cambrige, UK.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2009) Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin Drugs. In: Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (Eds): Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Cambridge University Press, Cambrige, UK.

Bigalke H, Dressler D, Frevert J (2009) Immunological Aspects of Botulinum Toxin Drugs. In: Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (Eds): Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Cambridge University Press, Cambrige, UK.

Dressler D, Truong D (2009) Developing the Next Generation Botulinum Toxin Drug. In: Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (Eds): Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. Cambridge University Press, Cambrige, UK.

Comella C, Dressler D (2009) Comparative clinical trials on botulinum toxins. In: Jankovic J, Albanese A, Atassi Z, Dolly O, Hallett M, Mayer N (Eds): Botulinum and other Neurotoxins: Translating Science into Therapeutic Applications. Saunders-Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA.

Dressler D (2009) Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin Drugs. In: Mayer N, Brashear A (Eds): Spasticity: Etiology, Evaluation, Management, and the Role of Botulinum Toxin. We Move Press, New York, USA

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2010) Pharmakologie der Botulinum Toxin-Medikamente. in: Laskawi R, Vogt T (2010) Botulinum Toxin Typ A: Praktische Anwendungen. Thieme, Stuttgart.

Dressler D (2010) Farmacologia de los preparados de toxina botulinica. In: Micheli F, Dressler D (Eds) Toxina Botulinica: Nuevas Indicaciones Terapeuticas. Editorial Medical Panamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Dressler D (2011) Nonprimary Dystonias. In: Aminoff MJ, Boller F, Swaab DF (Eds) Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Vol. 100 (3rd Series) Weiner WJ, Tolosa E (Eds) Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders, Elsevier

Dressler D (2012) IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®). In: Stacy MA (Ed) Handbook of Dystonia. Informa Healthcare, New York, pp469-476

Bigalke H, Dressler D, Frevert J (2013) Immunological Properties of Botulinum Neurotoxins. In: Truong D, Dressler D, Hallett M (Eds): Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambrige, UK.

Dressler D (2013) Treatment of Dystonia. In: Wolters E, Baumann C (eds) Parkinson Disease and other Movement Disorders. VU University Press, Amsterdam. pp453-460

Dressler D (2014) Autonomic Indications. In: Foster K (Ed) Clinical Applications of Botulinum Neurotoxin. Springer, New York. pp95-122.

Adib Saberi F, Dressler D (2014) Interdisciplinary Treatment of Dystonia: The IAB Example. In: Bleton JP, Treatment of Cervical Dystonia. Edition Frissault-Roche, Paris

Dressler D (2014) Preface. In: Bleton JP, Treatment of Cervical Dystonia, Edition Frissault-Roche, Paris

Amami P, Islam L, Dressler D, Albanese A (2015) Neuropsychiatric Disturbances in Dystonia. In: Reichmann H (Ed) Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Movement Disorders. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. pp171-199.

Kanovsky D, Dressler D, Menšíkov K (2015) Secondary Dystonia. In: Kanovsky P, Bhatia KP, Rosales RL (Eds) Dystonia and Dystonic Syndromes. Springer, Wien. pp61-74.

Dressler D, Kanovsky P (2015) Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Dystonia. In: Kanovsky P, Bhatia KP, Rosales RL (Eds) Dystonia and Dystonic Syndromes. Springer, Wien. pp127-149.

Rosales RL, Dirk Dressler (2016) Introductory Chapter: Botulinum Toxin Type A Therapy in Dystonia and Spasticity – What are Current Practical Applications? In: Rosales RL, Dressler D (Eds) Botulinum Toxin Therapy Manual for Dystonia and Spasticity. Intech, Rijeka.

Dressler D, Adib Saberi F (2017) Rehabilitation of Dystonia. In: Chien HF, Barsottini O (Eds) Movement Disorders Rehabilitation. Springer, New York. pp67-82.

Dressler D, Gelderblohm M (2017) Dystonie. In: Brandt T, Diener HC, Gerloff C (Eds) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, Germany. pp 1120-1130.

Adib Saberi F, Dressler D (2018) Linking allied Health Professionals and Physicians: The IAB Model. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Kanovsky P, Dressler D (2018) Non-Primary Dystonia. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Dressler D, Foster K (2018) Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxins. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Dressler D (2018) Dosing Schemes for Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Dystonia. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Dressler D, Bigalke H (2018) Immunology of Botulinum Toxin Drugs. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Walter U, Dressler D (2018) Ultrasound Guidance for Botulinum Toxin Application. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Laskawi R, Dressler D (2018) Treatment of Eyelid Opening Apraxia. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Gasser T, Hallett M, Krauss JK (2018) Treatment of Dystonia: Future Aspects. In: Dressler D, Altenmüller E, Krauss JK (Eds) Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Dressler D, Frevert J (in press) Clinical Relevance of Immunoresistance to Botulinum Toxin Therapy. In: Rosales R, Dressler D (Eds) Dystonia-The Many Facetts. Rijeka: Intech.

Dressler D (2021) Clinical Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin Drugs. In: Whitcup SM, Hallett M (Eds) Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Springer Nature Sqitzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland. pp93-106.

Rosales RL, Dressler D (in press) Botulinum Toxin A Therapy in Spasticity: What are Current Practical Applications? In: Rosales RL, Dressler D (Eds) Dystonia-The Many Facetts. Rijeka: Intech.

Dressler D, Rosales R (in press) How to Treat Dystonia. In: Rosales R, Dressler D (Eds) Dystonia-The Many Facetts. Rijeka: Intech.




Dressler D: Dystonie – Symptome einer Bewegungsstörung. Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Göttingen, 17min, VHS, deutsche und englische Fassung, 1993

Dressler D (Ed) Hallett M: The Mystery of the Basal Ganglia: The Physiologist’s View. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2005

Dressler D (Ed) Montecucco C: Botulinum Toxin: Its Intriguing Interactions with Subcellular Structures. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2006

Dressler D (Ed) Gerstenbrand F: Building a European Neurology in the Years of Separation. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2007

Dressler D (Ed) Johnson EA, Frevert J: How to tame the Beast: Preparing Botulinum Toxin for Therapeutic Uses. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2008

Dressler D (Ed) Blitzer A: Introducing Botulinum Toxin as a Therapeutic Agent: The United States Perspective. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2009

Dressler D (Ed) Riederer P: Drug Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: How it all Started. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2012

Dressler D (Ed) Pickett A: Preparing Botulinum Toxin for Therapeutic Uses: The United Kingdom Perspective. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2012

Dressler D (Ed) Fahn S: The Devleopment of the Dystonia Concept. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2013

Dressler D (Ed) Scott AB, Johnson EA: The Invention of Botulinum Toxin Therapy. IAB – Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Bewegungsstörungen. Heiligendamm Video Productions. Hamburg, 2019