
Cervical Dystonia Support Group, on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 from 6:30-7:30/45 pm ET. am 17.01.2024 ((English) 1 tägige Veranstaltung)


6:30 - 7:30/45 pm ET.


Dear Friend of the NSTA,

Linda Furiate is hosting an online support group meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 from 6:30-7:30/45 pm ET. Linda started hosting meetings in 2023 with the intentions of helping others by providing a place where people with dystonia can come together and speak openly. The Dystonia community is small but we there are people involved with big hearts. Linda is definitely one of them. Her group is not affiliated with the NSTA or any other dystonia organization. She describes her motivation for hosting meetings in her own words.

„Over the years, I am thankful because so much of the physical loss has been restored with the intangible qualities of inner strength and peace, fortitude, humility, joy and acceptance of knowing that I am able to be in-service to others through my experiences and successes. Each day I aim to give back to another person even if it’s as simple a gesture as texting a person to say ‘hi, I am thinking of you.’“

I hope that you have the opportunity to attend her upcoming meeting.

Justin, NSTA

Linda Furiate, Motivator/Mentor

A Message from Linda Furiate

Hello Cervical Dystonia Friend,

Happy New Year!

In the 28 years that I have lived with cervical dystonia I have spoken to hundreds and hundreds of people who share this same condition. I often hear people say that they lost their jobs, their livelihood, family, friends and much of their identity. I, too, recall that early in my journey. Over the years, I am thankful because so much of the physical loss has been restored with the intangible qualities of inner strength and peace, fortitude, humility, joy and acceptance of knowing that I am able to be in-service to others through my experiences and successes. Each day I aim to give back to another person even if it’s as simple a gesture as texting a person to say ‘hi, I am thinking of you.’

One of the highlights of 2023 was to initiate my support group for those of us with cervical dystonia. I am thankful to all of you who participated in my Zoom meetings and to those who have become my new friends. Thank you for believing in me and my desire to bring a group of strangers together and to be able to share from the heart. Our path with CD is similar, I feel it’s a blessing to be able to help each other navigate the journey.

I look forward to continuing my monthly encouragement group with a focus on the emotional, personal insight and spiritual aspect of healing. I love being able to facilitate a group and bring out the best in all of us as we share from our heart.


DATE: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

TIME: 6:30 – 7:30/45 pm ET.

ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7384659426?pwd=L3NUZ0NObWpTMWJuUzlVcHRrYWRGdz09#success


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